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I woke up sitting on that god awful table that I had been injected with an unknown serum on. I looked up and saw the soldier and that recurring doctor with the grim smile. 

"Finally. You are awake." He said. "Let's see what my newest serum has done." 

He ushered the soldier I had been living with, for however long, over to me. 

"Now. I want you to touch him. Our soldier here has just come back from a bloody mission and need help cleaning up." 

The soldier reached his arm up above me and I went to grab it. A wave of pain shot through my body. I looked at my arm and a long gash appeared on it with a couple other wounds scattered along my body. The soldier looked as confused as I did. I turned my head to the doctor and he just laughed. 

"Good. So, you can heal others but the pain appears on yourself." He wrote down. "Training starts today. Winter Soldier, you will train her. Go." 

The, now as I know, Winter Soldier picked me up by my arm again but this time he grabbed the slice now on my arm. I shook my way out of his grasp and stood on my own. I nodded, silently telling him I would follow but walk on my own. 

I followed him down that eerily dark hallway and into a gym like room. He walked over to the mats in the middle of the room.

"Punch me." He said. I did as he asked and he didn't even flinch. "Is that all? Put force into it. All your emotion into one hit." 

I did as he said and punched him again. This time putting all the force and pain and rage in it. He stumbled back but I got hit with a shock of pain right where I hit him. 

"What happened?" I looked up at him with confused eyes. "Can you control it?" I shook my head. 

"Come on. I have to report this." I followed him back to the room with the doctor and the Winter Soldier told him what happened. 

"Oh, Mailina. I cannot permit you to go on missions if you cannot fight without absorbing your own defenses. So, you will stay in the base at all times. You will heal my soldiers when they come back to base." He told me. 

"Now go back to your room. I will need you tomorrow after my men come back."

I knew where to go now that I had been dragged along the base. I walked to the room I shared and sat down. From that moment, all I would know was pain. 


I quickly realized that my days were on a schedule. I would wake up (if I had slept that night), stay in the room until the sun reached overhead, be given a small portion of food, heal the soldiers from their missions before, then be sent to my room to have the whole thing start again.

The Winter Soldier, I noticed, never came into the room at night. Sometimes I wouldn't see him until after a mission when I had to heal him. 

My body was now littered in scars. Those from my own fault, talking or resisting, or those from the soldiers. It was painful to heal the men every day. It felt like little needles poking me over, and over, and over again in the spots where the wounds were being put on to my skin. Most times, there were many places where they got hurt, so those many places were on me. 

One day, about a month after my first memory wipe, I was pulled out of the schedule. I was brought to a new room. This one had a big tube-like structure and the memory wiper, as I now called it. I often heard the Winter Soldiers screams coming from what I guessed was this room. 

"Malina, darling." This man disgusted me the more I was around him. "Today, we're testing something on you we use on your soldier. But first, have a seat." 

I sat down beneath the 'memory wiper' and I knew what was coming. I was strapped down to the seat and the metal clasps were on my head. Again, for the second time, I feel like I was dying. My brain felt like it was being picked apart by an invisible force. But just like that, it was gone. 


I rose and nodded. 

"I will explain again." Again? "We are trying something on you today. Please, step in." 

I did as I was told and I got in the chamber like tube. The door shut on me and it instantly got cold. I was numb. And I was gone.


Alright! So these past chapters have basically been the prologue. We're going to be starting her life after Hyrda which will be lots of fun to write. -Abbie

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