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"Listen, Cap. She'll be fine. Look, her heart rate and blood pressure are coming back up now. She's gonna be fine. I swear."

"I'm not worried about that. She's strong. She can wake up from this. I'm scared she won't remember me. Or freak out! She's not gonna know what's going on after being with Hyrda for so long! "

"We'll just do what we did with your friend Bucky. We'll guide her through it slow and she start remembering slowly but surely." 

Voices. The first thing I heard when I woke up from a good nights sleep for once. But, what they were talking about. What was so important that I needed to remember? Was the doctor making me do more test's?

I felt my breathing become rapid and I didn't want to open my eyes. I knew if I said something I would get punished but there was nothing against breathing in the rules. I could feel my face contort to the panic I was feeling. I don't want to continue a life full of pain. Even if it's all I've ever known.

"What's happening? Is she still ok?" A voice asked. His tone seemed to be laced with concern but no one at this base cared for my health. They just used me as an object to heal them.

"I think she's waking up. Her heart rate is increasing by a lot." A second voice said.

"Eleanor, you're alright." I felt a hand on my arm. It was a comforting touch. It wasn't controlling or demanding like normal. The men I was normally ordered to heal would grip on to my arm to try and speed up the healing process but all it would do is hurt me more. "You're not in Hydra's control anymore. You're safe."

His words had meaning. They were even more comforting than his touch. A kind voice. He prompted me to slowly open my eyes. 

It was immediately bright. Brighter than anything I've ever seen. I reached up to shield my eyes with the hand that was not being touched.

"Here, I got it." The deeper voice said. The lights dimmed and I could finally see.

"Eleanor, do you remember me?" The softer voice asked. I turned to face him and he looked happy to see me.

I shook my head. I hadn't heard of him. I knew I wasn't in the Hydra base immediately after opening my eyes. It was too bright and these were men I had never seen before.

"Th-that's ok. You're going to be alright here. Since you don't remember, I'm Steve. I'm your brother. Your name is Eleanor Anne Rogers. This is Tony Stark. He's been helping you heal." He explained, noting the man across the room. "You were kidnapped by Hydra back in the 1940's. From what we know, they experimented on you and then you were put in cryo-freeze for 69 years." 

74 years? That means it 2014. Is that why the lights were so bright? Or am I not used to the lights because of Hydra?

"I know, it's a lot to take in. But we're here to help you." He told me. "Are you ok?"

I nodded. 

"You're safe here, El. No one's going to hurt you. You can talk." 

"Th-thank you." I croaked out. It felt good but bad to finally speak. My vocal cords were not used to being used and it hurt to speak. But maybe if I did it more, they would learn.

"Of course." Steve smiled. "You should get some sleep."

I nodded and shut my eyes, dozing off into sleep.


When I woke up again, no one was in the room. Maybe it was all a dream, being safe. There were no bright lights that told me I had really slept for 69 years or white walls. It was dark and a good size room I was now in. It was a good dream while it lasted. 

I took the sheets that were atop of me off and slowly stood up. The blood went rushing to my legs making me dizzy and I almost fell over if it wasn't for a chair in front of me. I found the door and made my way out. The hallways weren't familiar but it was dark. 

I made my way out to a big space where I saw a bright light coming from one little space. This was not normal, but it hypnotized me. How were there moving pictures inside this little box? I made my way over to a couch with my eyes still glued on a little screen. It looked like they were playing some sort of sport.

I sat down on the plush surface and something hard was inside of it. It moved rapidly making me stand and get away from whatever it was. To my astonishment, it was just Steve. So he was real. I gasped in relief. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I must've fallen asleep out here. Are you ok?" 

I nodded and my eyes glued back to the box. They were all shouting some muffled word sounding like 'Touchdown!'. 

"It's a TV. I know, it's kinda cool, huh?" Steve said. He was standing now. I nodded again, my brain was still puzzled on how the thing worked.

"Man, it's like three in the morning. Did you just wake up?" He asked. I nodded again. It felt like my head wouldn't stop nodding that night.

"Where?" I asked. I knew that if this wasn't a dream, I had been moved from the bright room to this dark one. And I wasn't in the bandages and baggy army pants that I had been wearing at the base.

"Well, you're in the guest room at the compound. It's where all the Avengers live. Except for me and Bucky. We have an apartment not far from here. We didn't want to take you too far while you were asleep. We were going to stay here for the night and then, if you're up for it, go to the apartment." He explained. I nodded.

He patted a spot on the couch. "You can sit down if you want. You slept for a while. I wouldn't be surprised if you aren't tired anymore." I walked over and sat next to him. It was so much more comfortable than what I remember. It's like a feather. I leaned back and felt immediately relaxed. From Steve's presence and from the comfortable couch, I felt at ease for once.

Even though I had no idea what the men on the screen were doing with a brown ball and the people in the back cheering for them, I felt like I knew this. This feeling of familiarity. Maybe of family.

I scooted closer to Steve and let my head fall to his shoulder as I fell asleep for the second time.

I know I posted that I would update in the morning but I got bored so here ya go! -abbie

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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