Merperson story

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This would be used for a fanfic or other story about a couple  

Person A is a merperson who falls in love with Person B. Person B is a human (can be demon or other too if you really want) who falls in love with Person A.

Both realize (separately) that they want to join the other person's world to truly be with them.

Person A permanently gives up their tail and gills (if they have gills) for human legs. At the same time, Person B permanently gives up their legs for a tail. Neither situation can be undone. 

Both people do this after planning a special meeting with a surprise planned for each other. When they meet, both find that they had the same idea and now they're stuck in the same situation. 

How will they comfort each other? How will they adjust? Will they find a way to fix it or will they find a way to still be happy?

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