Trying to study

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This would be used for a story about a couple.

Person A & B are students (college probably).

Person A has a really important test coming up and needs to study as much as possible for it. Person B hasn't done anything (insert Lenny face) with person A in about a month because of this test. Person B decides to visit person A to help them "relax" or something. 

Person B ask someone Person A if they can come over to help them (A) study. Person A says yes.

Person B arrives to Person A's place (dorm, house, apartment, etc.) and starts out sort of trying to help. About half an hour (or however long) in, Person B starts getting frisky. Person A tries to tell person B to quit it but gives up quickly. 

What happens from there? What about the test though? Will person A fail the test? 

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