Chapter Twenty-Two

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I woke up in the morning with a strange feeling. I crawled out of my bed and looked out my window into the front yard. It was a beautiful morning. I could see the sparkling dew drops on the grass. Everyone and everything was oblivious to what was going to happen that day. Matt, Jessica, Ashley, and I were going on a mission to kill somebody. Well, he was already technically dead so I was unsure of whether it was called killing. But, did that even matter? We were still going to rid him from existence. If our plan worked out, bye bye R. K. Rose. Forever. Even though he was pure evil and didn't have a soul and we'd be doing the world a humongous favor, I wasn't sure I wanted to do it. Maybe it was because he looked human most of the time. Sometimes having a conscience sucks.

Kate! You're not starting to have second thoughts are you? I asked myself. No! You have to do this. For crying out loud! Today is the day you are going to get rid of R. K. Rose for once and for all and save the world. Stop being overdramatic and be happy that this is going to be over. Just like Jonathan said, it's your destiny.

"Destiny shmestiny," I said aloud.

I guess I was happy about what was going to happen. We were going to save the world today. That would give anyone a great feeling of success. It was the fear of coming out of today feeling like a murderer that was making me have second thoughts. I told myself that we were doing the right thing and I knew that that was true.

I shook my head, still at war with myself in my mind, and went down to the kitchen to grab a granola bar. I unwrapped it and took a bite out of it. That's all I could eat. I just wasn't hungry.

I threw the rest of the granola bar in the garbage and immediately felt bad for wasting food. I tucked the right side of my hair behind my ear and I walked out of the kitchen and down to the basement. I entered Dad's office and saw Matt and Ashley in there waiting and already ready to go. Then, something important occurred to me.

"Um, guys. Do we actually have a plan? What are we going to do? Just waltz into R.K's house, find the sword, and stab him in the chest?"

"Yeah, basically," Matt said with a shrug. "It's not like we don't know where the Death Sword is. Remember, Jonathan told us yesterday that he keeps it in the living room of his house. You had that vision of us fighting him and winning. I think we're going to be fine."

"Death Sword?" Jessica asked when she came into Dad's office. "Why would R. K. keep a sword called a Death Sword in his living room, let alone in his house?"

"Jonathan gave me that book that explained the Death Sword last night. The book said that when a vampire is created, they are each given a sword. Their creator gives it to them and each is specially designed for each vampire. Running the vampire's Death Sword through their heart is the most effective way to kill them. It is Angzian law that they have to keep the sword inside their house at all times, though there's no rule that it has to be in plain sight. The bizarre king of Angzia came up with a lot of weird laws for their society. Only vampires know why they have to have these swords. Jonathan doesn't even know and he basically knows everything. None of the books say why. It's a huge secret to humans," Matt explained to us.

"Wait," I said, "you know about Angzia?"

"Well, not specific information on it. But, I figured it was like a secret society for vampires," Matt guessed.

I let out a small laugh. "It's a little more advanced than just a secret society. It's a whole separate dimension created by vampires with the aid of witches and actually, the Collinion Diamond." I pointed to my ear. "It's the reason R. K. wants to take over our world. For some reason, he's not allowed back in there and I guess he's just tired of hiding. But, I mean, he is definitely going about it the wrong way." I hoisted myself up onto Dad's desk, who by the way I hadn't seen since the day before. "I'd like it better here too if Angzia was my other option. Black and red isn't exactly my favorite color scheme."

Guardians of the Diamond Book One: The RoseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz