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June 25th,

It's been two weeks since the end of the fiasco with R. K. Rose. You know, that wasn't exactly how I planned the beginning of my summer to turn out. But all the same, it was kind of exciting. Well, except for the parts where I was fearing for my life. I guess I wouldn't call that part fun. Right now, I'm just hoping I can have a normal rest of the summer. That would include no vampires, no witches or fairies or leprechauns, no rooms full of strangers stuck in pocket dimensions, and no powers.

So the deal with Jonathan, that was kind of... um how do I put this? Insane and messed up on so many levels? Yeah, that works.

It happened the day after he died at the same time he was killed. Dad was in the basement with his body (because apparently that's where we put dead people in our house) adjusting the tie he had put on him the day before. We (Matt, Ashley, Jessica, and I) hadn't told Dad what we had read in the book. We didn't want to get his hopes up. So, when Jonathan's heart started to beat again and he started to breath, Dad thought he was imagining things. Especially when Jonathan's neck wound magically healed. However, when Jonathan grabbed his wrist and whispered, "Adam," with his hoarse voice, he knew it was real. Dad screamed so loud, I bet the entire neighborhood heard him.

Matt, Ashley, Jessica, and I all rushed down to the basement. By the time we got in there, Jonathan was sitting up on the cot trying to calm Dad down, who was standing in the corner of the basement having a little freak out session.

My dad shouted, "What in the world is going on here?! You're supposed to be dead!"

"I can explain," I offered as I walked over to Jonathan and helped him stand up from the cot. I told Dad about the Angzian Knife and what had happened with Jonathan and Baron.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Dad asked accusingly.

"I... I wasn't sure if I believed it was going to happen or not," I said. "I didn't want you hoping for something that might not have happened."

I gave Jonathan a tight hug. I was soooooo happy he was alive; I couldn't express how happy I was. Everyone else followed me in giving him hugs.

I wasn't even shocked that he had come back to life. So many strange things had happened, I didn't know if anything else would surprise me.

Jonathan is currently living in our guest room, but he and Dad are searching for an apartment for him. They have recovered most of Jonathan's records so now he technically does exist again. We had a small "Happy Existence Day" party for him.

Oh! And that amulet that I took from Baron's dust pile is currently hidden in the drawer of my nightstand. Why I have kept it hidden I have no idea. I didn't tell my siblings I took it. It seems like an unnecessary secret to keep, but I'm keeping it all the same.

Anyways, I have a feeling that the rest of the summer will be normal-ish. Which is good. I can only have so many adventure-like instances in a short amount of time. Another feeling that I'm getting right now is that we (Matt, Ashley, Jessica and I) will never actually be normal again. Our lives will be haunted by our powers every day, even if we're not using them. And we'll be haunted by what we have experienced over these last few weeks. The image of Jonathan dying still gives me nightmares, even though he is alive and well again.

I can't stop myself from wondering what will happen if someone finds out what we can do. Ashley could pass as really smart. And I could probably just pass as just a little loony. But, if Matt or Jessica get caught doing what they can do, people could want to experiment on them or something. People might think that they're aliens or X-Men or something. I should stop worrying myself. No one's going to think that they're X-Men. But, the alien thing isn't completely out of the realm of possibility.

Guardians of the Diamond Book One: The RoseWhere stories live. Discover now