Chapter 4

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chapter four - s e t h

I'd laugh if I wasn't so terrified. The blonde girl had no idea what she was doing, taking Bracken's second horn. He could seriously mess them up with some magic. Kendra tensed up beside me.

Bracken didn't attack. Instead, he became threateningly still. "Give it back."

Rather than comply with the demand, Annabeth struck a defensive position with the horn behind her back and her dagger displayed in front. Okay, so she's probably some type of creature with that inhuman speed as she assumed position...

"What pegasus did you kill to get this?" She waved the horn around. "Was it wild or from one of the camps?"

What in the world? Wild pegasus? Camps? Maybe she meant preserves.

Bracken held out his hand in a "give me" gesture. "I didn't kill anything. It's mine."

When Annabeth didn't surrender the horn, he lunged for it. Annabeth swung her dagger across Bracken's chest.
He blinded her with a bright flash of light. While she was disoriented, Bracken snatched the horn back.

The older guy steadied her.
"Percy? Where are you?"
I saw pain flicker across his face. Perhaps a memory.
"Right here, wise girl. Don't worry. I'm still here."

Bracken sighed sympathetically. I know he was feeling guilty after the heat of the moment. He's just that type of unicorn. "She'll be fine in a couple seconds."

Percy put his arm around her.
"Are you a monster or a mortal?" He narrowed his eyes. "I'm pretty positive you're mortal, though I can't tell if you're a son of Apollo or not."

"Son of Apollo?" Kendra frowned. "He's a unicorn."

"I think I know what's going on." The newly recovered Annabeth said. "We need to talk. The students will be back soon...any suggestions?"

a n n a b e t h

I should've known. They're probably some demigod-type that's not Greek—like Sadie, Carter, Magnus, or Hazel.

When we reached the restaurant Seth had suggested, we all sat down in a corner booth.

"So obviously you're different than what we've encountered before." I got straight to the point. "Why were you trying to spy on us?"

Kendra answered. "We thought you were poachers of magical creatures."

Percy snorted. "Misconception of the year."

"Or magical creatures yourselves." Seth said.

Percy couldn't help himself from chuckling at the thought that they could be poachers. "I literally clean the pegasi stables."

Kendra perked up. "So you work at a preserve?"

"What's a preserve?" I asked.

"It's a safe place where magical creatures are protected by outside influences," Bracken said. "You're clearly not familiar."

"Tell us your story," Seth said eagerly.

"Not until you do," Percy said firmly.

"I believe there's only one way. To show you." Bracken said. "We have to go to Connecticut. Our train leaves at—"

"We have a friend that can get us there faster than that," I said. I didn't have time to wait for trains, my architecture club starts in two hours or so.

"Then, by all means, take us to your friend."


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