Chapter 2 (Antwan)

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My wife Tierra sho in the fuck was spoiled. I

think I hated to tell her no just as much as she

hated hearing it. I can't lie a nigga was sprung

off her and she knew it.

The main reason I was sprung besides her

good pussy and fat ass was the way she let me

lead. Most women didn't listen, but Tierra

must of trusted my guidance whole heartedly.

I taught her how to hold a gun, how to earn

money and how to take this dick as time went

on. She was still learning to be a house wife

though. She complained about being home

alone bored all the time so I eventually bought

her some playmates.

Remember Nate's bitch Lea? I really did go

back and pay him the twenty thousand for her

that he requested. I can't lie the bitch was

worth every penny. I feel like I did her a favor

since he didn't know what to do with her sexy


When I first introduced Lea to Tierra I didn't

display to Tierra about how I found her. I set

the situation up to where it seemed like we

both met her at the same time. It all took place

at a club.

Having Lea around was exactly what Tierra

needed. When I was away handling business I

didn't need to worry about my wife fuckin

another nigga because we shared bitches.

Lea wasn't the only bitch we had. Remember

Mahogany from the casino? She was our bitch

too. Mahogany was our lil chocolate delight.

She had the curviest hips in the world.

Everything was lovely, but there was still shit

that needed to be handled and knocked down. I

wasn't sure how I was gone get the feds off my

back, I still hadn't explained to Tierra about

what happened to Tony, It was my fault that he

got fucked up the way he did and Spike still

needed to be dealt with after snitching on my

operation. Not to mention the secret about me

and Tisha that would come to the light sooner

or later.

    I never meant for it to go this far. I mean shit

in LA was going good, but some of the plan

needed to be revised. I had to brain storm a

second plan to each situation. Problem was, I

didn't have a plan to begin with.

A Hood Nigga's Forever Chic! Part 2Where stories live. Discover now