Chapter 17 (Antwan)

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I made it back to LA as fast as I could. The

hospital was cold and the atmosphere was

busy. The smell of old people, bleach and linen

floated in the air.

I didn't know where to began, but somebody

was going to have to tell me something. I cut in

front of the woman who was standing at the

front desk holding her arm like she was in pain.

"Excuse me." I interrupted her conversation

with the receptionist. "I need to know where

my wife Tierra Milano is." I expressed.

The receptionist gave me a funny look. "Sir I

will be glad to assist you when I'm done with

the people in line." She said. There was no way

I could wait on this bitch to assist the next 7 or

8 muthafuckas. My wife needed me.

I decided to assist myself in finding out

where she was at. I didn't wait on the fat

receptionist to help me. Trust and believe I was

gonna find my wife. Nobody could stop me!

"Sir you can't go back there!" She hollered as I

rushed through the hall doors. "I'm going to

call security!" She threatened, but that didn't

stop me.

As I looked through halls, hassled through

stairs and elevators I finally made it to the

intensive care floor. I looked in each room

where patients were critically ill. Then finally I

found my wife in room 106. By this time a

doctor was in the room taking notes as he

examine her legs and feet. "I'm sorry, but you

can't be back here." He told me. The security

guard had finally made his way behind me.

What the fuck was he gonna do? "Listen

doctor that's my wife." I told him as tears rolled

down my face at the site of her rested body. A

tube was down her throat to help her breathe.

The security was going to handcuff me before

the doctor directed him not to. "I got it from

here." He said before dismissing the guard.

"There is no easy way to tell you this, but your

wife is in a coma. From what we've been told

by the young ladies that brought her here is

that she collapsed out of nowhere. We ran

some test and discovered that Tierra has been

poisoned, by a strong chemical called Arsenic.

She's not completely brain dead, but she's not

in the clear yet." He said.

This news was a surprise that I didn't need.

Arsenic? What the fuck was arsenic? Who the

fuck was responsible for this? I questioned

myself. I left my wife and baby with two

bitches! No one else!

"What about my baby? Is my baby okay?" I

questioned even though I was prepared to hear

the answer that I already knew. "I'm sorry that

we were unable to save the baby. He was to

small to handle the affect from the poison."

The doctor explained. This was the first notice

about my baby's gender. Tierra was barely out

of the first trimester before this.

I cried like a damn baby. I mean I cried so

hard that I lost control. The one person who I

was used to consoling me was laying in the

hospital bed. Her death bed.

The doctor touched my shoulder. "Listen, me

and my team are doing everything that we can

to save your wife. There's an ivy to support her

system and flush out the poison. We have to

stop more cells from being attacked. I can't

promise that she'll make it but, I'm doing all

that I can.

I also want to inform you that this will become

a full investigation and detectives may want to

question you." He assured. He then walked out

the room and shut the door.

I was alone with Tierra still crying. "Baby I'm

so sorry. This is all my fault. I should of never

left you. If I would of let you come with me,

none of this would of happened. I'm so so sorry

baby." I felt like I was gonna die as I rubbed

her head.

I loved her dearly, but I couldn't stand seeing

her like this for another second. I had to figure

out who the fuck was responsible for this. This

was not something I could wait to handle. This

had to be handled now.

A Hood Nigga's Forever Chic! Part 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora