Chapter 4 (Tony)

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Though I was healing and recovering well

after Antwan and Spike launched me off the

balcony, my heart was still in pain. My baby

sister, my ONLY sister hadn't even checked on

me. Instead she runs off with the nigga who

tried to kill me. She changed her number on

everybody and sent us a shitty letter talkin

bout she happy and what not.

What if she didn't even write the letter? Even

worse, what if this nigga was beating on her or

throwing her off balconies? I couldn't think

about nothing but the betrayal of my sister.

And this nigga had to die for it! Word to my


I barely was able to walk as I limped around

Asia's apartment with my crutches. It seemed

like she was all I had in my corner since my

parents finally kicked me out. They got all

scared after I didn't tell them that Twan was

the cause of my injuries. My mom actually

thought gang members would come looking for

me and for that reason pops wanted me out


As much as Asia drove me insane with her

ghetto ways, she was the only one that didn't

leave me. The more I stayed around her the

more I began to actually like her. It was

becoming more than just a sex thing.

She was a beautiful mocha completed

woman with silky natural hair. She had a smile

of a goddess. He body was simple and not very

shapely, but it didn't take anything away from

her beauty at all.

I sat next her on the sofa and she handed me

a plate of food she had just cooked. I looked at

the golden fried chicken, steamy Mac and

cheese and juicy vegetables in awe. She looked

so gracious as she ate her plate peacefully.

"Thank you shorty." I said. "Finally you

appreciate me." She teased and we both


Our one year old son slept silently between

us. He was so cute and looked exactly like me

from head to toe. My son was the one person I

vowed to never lose and I shamed myself for

not wanting him at first.

Just when I was at peace enjoying my new

family, watching a great movie and finally

feeling a little at ease is when I got the worst

call of my fuckin life!

My father who I hadn't spoke to was in the

other end of my line with agony in his tone.

"Son I just called to tell you that your mother

didn't make it. She couldn't fight the cancer

any longer and she died. The lord has called

her home!" He cried hysterically. I went numb

and my face was flushed. I was at a pause as I

attempted to register the words he delivered.

Not my mother! Not the queen in my life! Why

did God take her so suddenly? She was the

sweetest person. She never did harm to


For the first time as a grown man I balled

like a baby. "Tony what's wrong?" Asia begged

and begged me to express what I was told.

Finally I said the words that no person ever

wants to say. "My mother is dead!" I cried even

harder hearing myself say this. If I wasn't

broken before I was now! Next thing I know I

was throwing a temper tantrum on the floor as

I had a nervous break down as I beat on the

floor. Asia was trying to gain control of my

body, but I over powered her.

This was a pain that wouldn't just go away.

My mother was so young she wasn't supposed

to be gone this soon! Why her? Why? Why was

God punishing me like this? I mean I did a lot

of dirt, but I never killed nobody! I swear I

would have changed my ways to bring my

mother back. And the guilt of how I

disrespected her all the time. The last time I

spoke to my mother I remember saying fuck

you, but I swear I didn't mean it! I didn't mean

any of the hurtful stuff I said.

    How was I going to heal from this? How was

I going to get over this? Not my mother? I

didn't have anybody to replace her role. I knew

I wasn't going to be the same after this!

A Hood Nigga's Forever Chic! Part 2Where stories live. Discover now