Chapter 16 (Mahogony)

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    As I dialed Antwan's number I tried to hold

back my tears. I hated to have to be the one to

tell him about Tierra. I hated feeling like my

world was over.

     The love of my life was on her death bed.

She was being supported by a life support

machine. She was in a-coma.

    This wasn't supposed to be in the story. Like,

I had plans for us. We still had many places we

hadn't seen, cruises we talked about and Egypt.

Tierra made a promise to herself that she was

going to tour Egypt. She always talked about it.

Her being on her death bed just wasn't apart of

the dream.

The doctors refused to give me any further

details because they said I was not a spouse or

relative. But Tierra was my family. I mean she

was my everything. I couldn't lose her.

    I finally gathered up the strength to make the

call that I dreaded so badly. When Antwan

answered the phone he already had stress in

the tone of his voice. "What's up Mo?" He

always called me Mo. "Baby something terrible

has happened and Tierra is in the hospital." I

expressed with sadness. "What! What the fuck

happened? Is she okay?!?!" He spoke like he

was paranoid. "Is she okay?!?!" He repeated. It

hurt me to admit the truth. "No. She's not

okay. She's in a-coma." I said. "What the fuck

do you mean my wife is in a-coma?!?! She's

pregnant with my fuckin baby!" He stressed. I

think I could hear him sniffling from tears. He

never cried. Ever. At least I never seen him

shed any tears. "Is my baby okay?!?! Tell me

my fuckin baby is okay Mo! Tell me my baby is

okay!" He demanded with what became

obvious pain.

    "I'm catching the next flight to LA and I

swear to God you bitches better not be

responsible for this shit!" He warned. He

expressed this in the most promising manor.

    Why would I do anything to harm the

woman that I loved? Why would I hurt her?

Why? Was he crazy? I mean he had to be if he

thought I was responsible.

    Lea was sitting in the visitor room in a chair

across from me. We stared in silence as we

waited. Then she broke the silence with

scenarios that played in her mind. "Maybe the

baby just took a lot out of her body. I don't

think T was staying hydrated enough. Or

maybe it was the pills that doctor Mia

prescribed." I was still silent thinking about

Antwan's words.

    If we didn't find out about what happened to

Tierra soon we were gonna feel his wrath.

Right now I was one of his favorites. The last

thing I needed was to be on his shit list.

A Hood Nigga's Forever Chic! Part 2Where stories live. Discover now