Chapter One

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~*~ Carson's POV ~*~

"Carson!" My mother banged on the bathroom door, but it was no use, I couldn't even see strait enough to grab the doorknob. I glanced down at my wrists one last time before closing my eyelids, for what I thought would be the last time. I thought wrong however.

Dear Lord, I thought. My head was pounding and my throat was dry and scratchy. Where the hell am I? I hadn't yet opened my eyes, too afraid of what I might see, or who rather. I prayed my mother wasn't here, wherever here was. I slowly opened my eyes just enough to glance around. Great, another hospital. I groaned. Luckily my mom wasn't around or she would assume I was in to much pain. Although now that I think about it, I wasn't exactly comfortable.

I sat up a bit in the cramped hospital bed. Oh how I hate hospitals. They could at least decorate the rooms a bit better.

"Oh, good your up."  The nurse, Kristen, smiled. Kristen was always my nurse. She was pretty cool, I guess. Although, she was always looking at me like I would break into a million little pieces at any moment. I could sometimes feel the pity radiate off of her. But other than that she was alright. She checked my fluids and all that. " Do you want me to go get Annie? She is in the cafeteria." She always called my mother by her first name. I don't know why she does, to me it seemed unprofessional, but what do I know. I'm only 17. I shrugged.

"Not really. Can you redo my bandages," I lifted my wrists. " They're too tight." She nodded, quickly fixing them. "And can I have some water?" Kristen smiled, nodding again.

After she left I tried to stay awake by watching the tv, but it was set on the news and I can't watch that without getting sad so I turned it off, not even bothering to try and find a better channel. Soon I drifted off to sleep.


Hey guys, hope you liked it, it was a bit rushed but I was bored :P I will try to write more tomorrow maybe cause I'll be on a plane. Also tell me if you want to know the songs I listened to when writing chapters. Soooo I guess that's all.


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