Chapter Five

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~*~ Carson's POV ~*~

God, he was gorgeous. I thought for about the hundredth time this morning. It had been a week since I saw Lewis in the park. He had deep blue eyes that a person could get lost in, and jet black hair. He also seemed very blunt, which was a nice change. It had actually made me smile a bit to have someone be so straightforward.

I wanted so badly to see him again. But I knew he probably had just wanted to shut me up so he could go back to sleep. He didn't actually care. But a girl could dream, right?

My mother was still upset with me for running off, but now she allowed me to be in a different room as her. She had been right about the neighbors talking about what had happened. Mrs. Jenkins from down the street, refused to make eye contact with me when I dropped off some mail that had been put in our box instead of theirs. Mr. Dirkley, who is right across the street from us, I heard telling his five year old daughter not to walk on our side of the road. Honestly, what were they thinking? Sorry, but suicidal tendencies do not spread through the air. I'm not going to contaminate you, or your damn children for that matter.

I put on some music and tried to drowned out my thoughts. Which partially worked, I wasn't thinking about the jerks I lived next to, nope, my mind was visiting Lewis again.

Seriously Carson, get your shit together. This is just a silly crush. Get over it. I shook my head. Maybe I can just take a walk the the park... I got up and grabbed my headphones, then jogged down the stairs and out the front door before my mom could put in her two cents about me leaving.

I hummed along to 21 Guns by Green Day and watched the leaves sway in the breeze. Just as I was about to give up and go back home I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Lewis?" I smiled taking my earphones out. "Hey."

"Hey, I saw you and, uh, wanted to know if you wanted to go get coffee or something." He looked tired, and needed to shave. Five O'clock shadow made him very attractive, but also allot older.

"Yeah, coffee sounds great." He lead me to his car. Jesus, I thought, nice car. In front of me sat the only green Ferrari I've ever seen. "Wow." I muttered. Lewis looked at me and then at the car.

"Oh," He chuckled. "It was a gift."

"Who the hell gives people Ferraris as a gift?" It slipped out of my mouth before I could even process it. He didn't seem to mind though. He opened the passenger door for me.

"My sister." He slammed the door shut and I waited for him to get into the drivers side. Once we were going he continued. "She wrecked my old car, which was just a piece of junk I bought off one of my, " He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I bought it from a friend of my moms. " I glanced at him. His jaw was clenched and his knuckles were white from his death grip on the steering wheel. I could tell he was fighting back tears so I changed the subject.

"Uh, how old are you?" He looked as if something clicked. Almost like he realized age could be a problem. A big one depending on how old he was.

"I turned 20 last month, what about you?" He bit his lip.

"17, 18 in two months." Relief washed over his face.

"That's not so bad." He muttered under his breath. I just smiled.


Coffee with Lewis was amazing. We asked each other so many things, I was careful to avoid asking about his mother though. I'm pretty sure that's what set him off in the car. He stayed away from questions about my wrists, which I silently thanked him for. I did learn, however, he is the youngest of three other siblings, all three being girls. He is right handed. His favorite color is green, hence the color of his car. He's 6'2. His grandmother is Mexican. He likes to cook. Honestly, I could've gone hours on end learning every little detail of Lewis.

Now we sat in his car not going anywhere. He glanced at me every now and then, and would smile. We didn't talk but the silence was a comfortable one. Neither of us felt like we had to talk. We were fine with just one another's company. But eventually he started the car and I directed him to my house. We swapped numbers and just before I opened the door he kissed my cheek.

"See ya, Carson." The skin where his lips were tingled as I walked through my front door. I couldn't help but smile. For the first time in a really long time I actually felt happy.

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