Chapter Three

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~*~ Carson's POV ~*~

My mom brought me home in the morning. She wouldn't look me in the eyes. She wouldn't say a complete sentence to me. My father had called to basically inform me I'm a disappointment to the family. To say the least, life was shitty. All I wanted to do was lock myself in my room and cry. But my mother was bond and determined to keep me in the same room as her. So here I am stuck watching some lame tv show with a ditzy blonde that must have had the IQ of a four year old.

"Mom, I want to go to my room." I whined, picking at the hem of my shirt. She shook her head. "This is stupid." I muttered.

"No, Carson, What's stupid is finding your almost adult daughter locked away in her bathroom with blood running down her wrists. What's stupid is you thinking it's ok to do something like that because it's not. Absolutely not! I mean just imagine what people will say when they find out about this." She practically growled. I rolled my eyes. She didn't even care why I was attempting suicide. All she cared about was how it affected her reputation. Heaven forbid someone find out her daughter is a freak. I sighed and got up. I don't care what she says, I'm not staying in this damn room any longer. I grabbed my headphones and hurried out the door, ignoring my mother yelling for me.

I must have walked an hour before I finally stopped and cried. I pulled my knees to my chest and leaned against a big oak tree. Why doesn't she even try to understand me. Why is it so hard for her to realize I'm obviously not alright. Why doesn't she care enough to notice I'm not alright. My thoughts spun round and round in my head. Luckily nobody was in the park right now. I must look like a wreck. I am a wreck.

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