Chapter 1

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Victorias POV

"C'mon tori, well be late!!" Natalie says rushing me.

"Okay okay just let me grab my bag and my hat" I grab my side bag and my Minnie Mouse snap back and run to the car with nat.

Natalie is my best friend, we basically grew up together.were both 17 but she was about a little bit taller than me. and prettier. ughh.

She was always popular with the guys let's just say that. she had long legs and long brown hair. her eyes were light brown but my eyes were lighter.

"Do you think Taylor will think I look pretty?" she panics in the car as we drive off to this event I think it's called magcon. I don't know. she dragged me with her. unlike Natalie I wasn't crazy over boys. she was OBSSESSed with this Taylor caniff guy. that was probably why she wore that bandana.

"Don't fret nat you look fine" I laugh.

She smiles and still tries to fix herself up as much as possible.

The event was about 20 minutes away from where we lived.

"Tori, I'm so excited!! magcon California is gonna be great!! and plus we get to go on both days!!" she squeals nearly making me go deaf.

We finally pull up to a building swarmed with hormone crazed teenage girls.

nat would've fit right in.

I laugh at my own joke and nat stares at me funny.

"What? okay c'mon let's go." we get out of the car and nat bolts up to the building. I run up behind her.

We wait in the front of this empty line. the other lines were filled with girls who kept screaming and smelled like the inside of Claire's and forever 21.

Most of them were hormone crazy 12 year olds. I try to ignore them and just doodle through my phone.

"OMG tori VIP line gets to go in first!! that's us!! and were in the front!" She squeals again.

I roll my eyes.

The security let's us in first and we see an empty area and a stage with a couple people roaming around.

"Oh my fucking god tori there he is!!" she smiles.

"Who?" I say

"My husband!! taylor!!" she pulls my hand and runs up to him.

"Taylor caniff!!" she squeals to him.

He then looks at her in awe.

I wouldn't be surprised. Natalie was really gorgeous.

"Hey" he smiles and wraps his arms around her waist.

"OMG Taylor can we take pictures" she then whips out her phone and hands it to me to take pics for her.

She does all these crazy poses. she hopped on his back and hugged him tight.

Even one of them he kissed her cheek.

"Can you sign my shirt??" she brought out her Taylor caniff tye dye top am put it on for him to sign.

"I love you nat. See ya later" he then kissed her cheek and we left.

"OMG I'm tori I'm gonna melt." she pretends to swoon.

"Oh hush" l laugh at her.

As we walk around and take pics with some of the guys. one of them catches my attention.

I stared at him for a while he then noticed and looked back at me. he smile and gave me a wink. I turned my head away and felt my face getting hot.

"Ness the events gonna start cmon! " nat says to me.

"Uh save me a seat let me go to the bathroom first" she nods and saves my seat for me.

I head to the bathroom. I then suddenly bump into something and fall to the floor.

I open my eyes and see that guy again,

"Oh my goodness are you okay?! I'm so sorry!" he offers out his hand and I take it. he helps me up.

"What happened " I rub my head and feel a bump forming.

"Uhh well me being the idiot I am I wasn't looking where I was going and walked straight into you and we kinda bumped heads" he laughs neevously.

I laugh too.

"Oh well probably my fault too" I giggle and blush.

I felt nervous. why was I like this all of a sudden??

"Well are you okay do you need an ice pack or something?" he asks me concerned.

"No it's okay I'll survive" I laugh.

"Look your nose is bleeding" he points out

I then see blood drip on my white shirt and my finger.

"Damn it's on my shirt" I say

"Here's some napkins come with me" I take the napkins to wipe my nose and he guides me backstage.

He hands me a grey magcon sweater.

"Here you can wear this. it's mine" he says.

"Oh no it's fine thank you" I say.

"No really here wear it" he smiles.

I got butterflies in my stomach when he smiled. Why did I feel this way??

What's wrong with me??

No I can't be. can i?


I take the sweater nervously and put it on.

"Thanks- uhh" I didn't know his name.

"Jack-jack gilinsky" he smiles and winks.

I felt like melting.

"Oh sorry that I uh don't know your name. it's just that my friend kinda dragged me along with her" I smile at him.

"Oh well good thing she brought you or we couldn't have met " he smiles.

Gosh he was a charmer this boy.

"Oh uh I'm Victoria, but you can call me tori" I say nervously.

"Victoria like Victoria secrets models. no wonder why you're so beautiful" he laughs. I turn red by his comment and giggle.

"Well the events about to start in 15 minutes stay back here yeah?" he smiles at me.

I just nod like an idiot forgetting about natalie.


I should text her.

*something came up I'll see you after the event*


*really?? ugh okay.. I'll see you then tori *


I play on my phone and scroll through my twitter feed and see that I jack followed me and mentioned me in a tweet

*@jaclgilinsky guess who I bumped into @magcon in California @turtle_toria ;)

I smile and laugh

I then start to doze off and fall asleep on the couch backstage.


OTAY here is chapter one baes

I'll start on chapter 2 tommorow

Yass check out my magcon dirty imagines as well!!!

I hope you like this so far.


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V.T. 💕🌚😭😍💁✋👅💨

I hate that I love you ( a jack gilinsky fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu