Chapter 8

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Cams POV

I woke up and saw tori sleeping on my chest. I smile and kiss her forehead. Our plane had landed already so I woke her up.

I shook her arm a bit and she groaned and looked up at me with this almost death stare.

I widen my eyes in what seemed like fear.

"What" she groaned

"Uh, our plane. it's landed" I gulp.

I've never been that scared of a girl before.

She groaned and got up and combed through her hair with her fingers.

We then got up and got off the plane.

We went to baggage claim and immediately I was again swarmed with


Jacks POV

I was getting our baggage til I heard a bunch of screams. I turn around and see a crowd of girls coming our way. they suddenly surrounded us.

I look over at tori and she was about ready to faint.

I go through the girls and grab Tori's arm.

I carry her and run to our car that was waiting for us outside.

We get in and she was breathing hard.

"Tori are you okay??" I ask

"Yeah kinda. thanks jack I almost passed out again" she laughs.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay." I smile and hug her.

"What about the guys??"she asks me.

"I'll text them to get our stuff too and that were waiting in the car" I say.

I pull out my phone and text jack and Aaron.

After about 15 minutes the guys finally come in the car.

"Bout time" tori laughs.

I laugh too

"Sorry babe" cam says and kisses tori on the cheek.

I clench my fist.

"You good bro?" Aaron asks me.

"Yeah I'm good" I lie.

Why was I even mad??

It's whatever. I sigh and slick back in my seat.

We finally leave and drive for a while. we pull up to our hotel. and we get out and grab our bags.

We walk into the lobby and we get our keys.

"Okay there are 5 rooms who's sharing??" Nash asks.

"Me and nat " tori smiles.

They grab a key.

"Me and cam" Nash says

"Johnson and me" I raise my hand and grab a key.

"I can share with Aaron and shawn" Taylor raises his Han and they get a key

"Then it's Matt carter and hayes in the last room" Nash says and hand them the keys.

"Yass" carter and Hayes high five eachother and laugh.

We all head up into our rooms. I checked the time and it was 10 pm in florida.

I had jet lag and was still up. all the guys had knocked out.

I decided to go out for some fresh air at this. Beach that was a 5 minute walk away.

Tori's POV

While everybody was asleep me being the odd one out, was still awake.

I was still kinda stressing out about my feelings for cam and how I feel about jack.

I really like cameron. but me and jack had this instant click. I do it know what to do...

Oh I heard nat mention this beach outside our hotel that was like a couple minutes away.

I decided to put on a sweater and go out for some fresh air to take my mind off of things.

I walk out and see the beautiful beach lit up by the moon light.

I sit down on this little bench and breathe in the ocean air.

It was relaxing.

I then see someone sit next to me.

I look over and saw it was jack.

"Jack?" I ask him.

He looks over and smiles at me.

"Amazing view huh" he smiles

"Yeah I love how the ocean looks" I look at the water.

"I'm not looking at that view." he says.

I look at him and see that he's staring at me and smiling.

I felt the butterflies come in my stomach again.

"Jack" I whisper softly.

He then grabs a hold of my chin and we lean in.

He then smashes his lips onto mine. it was almost as if I saw sparks everywhere.

I move my lips I'm sync with his. his lips were soft and plush. we pull away for air after a couple minutes I look into his eyes.

I've always wanted a kiss from jack to be honest.

"You did?" he smirks at me

"D-did, I say that out loud???" I feel my cheeks turn red.

"Yeah kinda. but it's okay" he then cups my face and we lock lips again.

We pull away and I smile to myself like a dork.

He then wraps his arms around me.

"Watcha smiling about" he laughs.

"We kissed jack, twice" I cover my face in embarassment.

He then kisses my cheek.

"Probably the third time" he laughs.

I look at him confused.

"C'mon wana go back? it's getting kinda cold out here." he says and I nod.

We walk back to the hotel hand in hand. we enter the elevator and we press our floor number . I kiss jack on the lips again. and when I do the doors swing open, I pull away and see cameron there. he starts to tear up.

"T-tori?" his voice cracks.

"Cam" I whisper softly


Oouuuuuu drama stirring up oh gawd who dies?? Oh wait no one because I don't make shit endings where the characters end up dying aha aha 🌚

Lol sorry for not updating in centuries just been busy with school and all that junk.

Sorry if it's a short update baes



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Til next time stay fierce my NASHTIES


V.T. 🔫😫🌚😭😍🔪✌️💁

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