Chapter 4

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Tori's POV

I feel really bad like I felt like I lead jack on.

I really like him and all but I'm not supposed to.

Gahh I hate the feelings I have for him.

This I killing me.

"Babe you okay?" Kevin asks me as we drive to the beach house.

"Uhh yeah I'm fine" I force a smile.

He kisses me on the cheek.

Kevin was a really nice guy but he has fucked up I'm the past. to be honest I really don't know why I'm still with him.

"Were here" he announces and pull up to this beautiful beach house.

My jaw drops.

How was nat able to afford this??!

I hop out and grab my bags. I go up to the house and see all the guys and nat.

I look around for jack and see him standing there with jack johnson.

"Okay guys some of you are going to have to share rooms." nat announces and all the guys nod.

"It's going to be jack, jack and shawn. cameron, Nash and Aaron in one room. Matthew,carter and Hayes together. then me and Taylor and tori with Kevin in another room" she smiles.

"Alright let's gooo" cameron yells.

She opens the door and it was breath taking.

"Woah. this is so cool" Aaron says in awe.

"Let's get settled in and then we can go down to the beach!!"Hayes says.

We all go settle in our rooms.

I changed into my light blue bikini and threw on some shorts and a flowy tribal crop top to go over it.

Nat wore her black bikini with some shorts and a whie t- shirt to go over it.

I slip on my sandals and grab my sunglasses and head out to the living room.

All the guys were waiting with their swim trunks an t-shirts on.

"Ready guys?" I ask.



"Let's gooo"

We all head out to the beach.

Jacks POV

I see tori with Kevin holding her waist as we walked down the beach.

That should be me not him.

Damn it jack what are you talking about? you only knew her for 2 days.

But she was just perfect. her hair her eyes.

Stop it.

I hate that I like her but I can't have her.

"Jack you okay man" jack asks me.

"Uhh yeah, c'mon let's get in the water." I fake a smile and we set up our towels And take off our shirts. we sprint towards the ocean and I push jack in.

"Foul play man!!" I laugh. look back and see tori laying on the towel with her bikini on. man she was hot. I guess Kevin caught me staring.

"She's hot huh?" he smirks at me.

"Who?" I try to deny.

"That blonde chick over there" he points to some blonde girl in a green bikini.

I hate that I love you ( a jack gilinsky fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now