Chapter 1: The Video

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A/n:the lady up top pretend that's Scott's sister instead singing.And please give a vote or like and comment what you think of my story.

The Pack were at the McCall house when Melissa started screaming of excitement.

Scott worried says: Mom what's wrong?
Melissa: nothing is wrong everything is fine but I was screaming because your sister sent me a video of her and the cast singing on their plane.
Derek: You have a sister ?
Scott: Yes. Can you play the video on the TV.

( Play video up top )
The pack were amazed at how Scott's sister sang and were wondering who the other people were.
Derek for some reason was jealous.
Derek: who were the others ?
Melissa: the rest of the lion king cast since Scott's Sister is apart of the cast also.

As soon as Melisa said that Derek felt no longer jealous but a little embarrassed and relief. But masked his scent so no one knew and kept his natural emotionless grumpy cat face that seemed permanent on his face.

All the kids/teenagers were shocked that she was a part of the lion king cast.

Stiles: Oh yea I forgot you got a sister but seriously did she get hotter over the years.

Melissa: I remember when I would not be able to take Scott into bed and stiles when he came over basically everyday and she would sing them to sleep. And for me she would sing a Disney song from Maleficent and I would be out like a light.
Issac: How is she beautiful but Scott not so much ?
Melissa: I honestly have no idea no offense Scott. I wonder if she cut her hair cause as a kid she had hair past her feet and would slap people who were mean to mom and stiles and me on purpose.
Papa Stilinski: Yeah I have a video of her singing but it doesn't show her face though.

(Play video up top)
Papa Stilinski: Here's another video of her singing except her friend Liam sent this when she was singing in London.

(Play video up top)
A/n: that's what she sounds like when she sings.
Everyone was relaxed just listening to her sing. Everyone snapped out of their trance of relaxation when the video was over. 
Melissa: She was always  happy or peaceful when she was singing or happy she made someone's day by singing for them. I miss hearing her sing Scott and Stiles to sleep.
Everyone felt sympathy for Melissa stressing about work and Scott and Stiles since she found out about the supernatural. They felt bad that she stresses so much. But what they didn't know was that Scott's sister would be coming to visit them tomorrow morning.

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