Chapter 6: Why do you have a Sword ?

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Same Day

Angel POV

On the drive to Derek's loft Angel couldn't help but feel a little nervous meeting Scott's pack and his friends. (What if they don't like me what if they try and eat me or actually nevermind I could just swing my sword at them but what if Scott hates me for defending myself using my sword on them but he would understand right?) I snapped out of my thoughts by Scott telling us where there at the loft. I climb out making sure Riptide was still in my hands and fidget with it out of my nervous habit. Scott must of smelt my anxiety and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. He directs me to the door of the guy Derek's loft and opens the door holding it for me since Stiles was in front of me was already inside. He leads me to where everyone is either standing talking or sitting and grabs their attention by letting out a loud growl. I see everyone immediately look at me when they notice that Scott wasn't alone and stared at me.
Scott: Guys this is my sister Angel and yeah stop staring at her especially you Liam, Issac, Peter. And stop making her feeling unwelcome and weird.
Derek: What's she doing here ? (says while rolling his eyes)
Angel: Is there a problem with me being here? (Says with attitude and perfectly raised arched eyebrows)
Derek: Whatever just sit and be quiet And don't annoy anyone or I'll rip your throat with my teeth.(he says while raising his eyebrows)
Angel: One- don't tell what to do, Two- I don't care if this is your house, Three- (gets Riptide out and clicks it into a sword) you ever threaten me again and I'll skin your puppy ass into a fur coat.(while giving Derek her thunder glare that could make Hades pee his pants)

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