Chapter3: You're a what now?

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Next Day
Angel had woke up took a shower, brushed her bird nest looking  hair and her teeth which took a total of 15 minutes. It took 10 minuets to brush all of her hair and trying to not get the the damn brush stuck or tangled in her hair in the process. And then got dressed in the outfit up top and made sure she had Riptide in her purse and walked down the hallway to Scott's room and opened the door and went into her bathroom and used her .................. powers of water and made it into a ball of water hovering over his head and walked near his door to get to run and then dropped the water bubble on his face. And ran as fast as her long sun kissed legs could go before her brother caught her.
Angel's POV
I was running trying to avoid the usual bumping into stuff when making turns when running down the stairs and down to where the living room area was and fell while screaming cause my son of biscuit of a brother jumped on me when I was almost to safety to the couch. And pretended that he was heavy when really I could pick him up and throw off me. I guess thoughts awful work outs at Camp Half-Blood weren't useless after all. But I couldn't let him know that I mean only mom knows I'm a demigod. Plus if I did throw him he would start asking questions and Zeus knows I don't want to deal with that now.
Angel shouted : Get your fat self off me.
Scott: ok one - I'm not fat this is muscle and two - that's what you get for pouring water on me.
Angel sighs: alright I'm sorry can you get off me now cause ( acting dramatic and pretending to choke ) I'm starting to see the light.
Scott gets off my back finally after me saying I see the light. I get up fix my outfit and turn around to see he has a serious face on which is hard because he looks like a puppy trying to be angry at his owner for taking his chew toy.
Scott: I think it's time we talked about what's been happening since you were last home.
Angel: If this about you being a true alpha and all the supernatural crap going on I already know. Cause I guess you could say I'm supernatural too in a way.
Scott looked shocked: How the hell (Angel smacks him in the head for cussing) do you know about supernatural and owwwww !

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