Chapter 4: Explaination and Pack ?

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Same Day

Still Angel's POV

I was relaxed to finally feeling like some wait was lifted off my shoulders and got Riptide out of my purse and twirled it on her fingers then in air and back in her hand gracefully. I turned to my brother and stopped spinning the pen and walked up to him and in front of him.
Angel: This is Riptide it is a sword I use and this might sound even crazier but that camp you know I go to every summer since I was 15 it's actually a camp for people like me and it's really fun and amazing and I'm sorry for keeping this from you.
Scott: How is that pen a sword ? it's a pen.
Angel: Seriously is that the only thing you paid attention to was that a pen changes into a sword. Out of everything I just said and it does change into a sword I'll show you.

( Play video up top at 1:21 to 1:24 )
Scott shocked: How in the world did it freaking turn into a sword I like it's awesome can I try and hold it ?
Angel: You probably couldn't pick it up only people who are half bloods can pick it up but sure try even with you puppy power it wouldn't lift.
Scott: Whatever ( rolling his eyes Angel smacks him in the arm ) ow and I have a pack here.
Angel: Wow ok who's in the your pack?
Scott: It's kinda weird that you're taking this so well and are acting calm. But the people in my pack are Lydia, Derek a real sourwolf, Peter Derek's psychopath uncle, Stiles, Kira my girlfriend ( Angel interrupts)
Angel: Hold up you have a girlfriend since when I remember when you only had one friend.
Scott: I'm offended but that's true but still. Okay we're getting off topic but anyway the other people are the twins Aiden and Ethan. Also Malia a werecoyote who was a animal half her life, and then there's Liam and Jackson he's in London though and Papa Stilinski and Mom and a few others.
Angel: Wow that's a lot of people but I'm proud of you you've grown up so much and have gotten so far in life and I'm proud to call my baby bro.
Scott: Aw thanks I'm proud to call you my short and annoying and sweet older sister.
Angel: I'm not short everyone is just too tall and I annoy you cause I love and care about you and I know I'm sweet but I'm also spicy (while doing a dramatic pose). Well I'm going to sleep night baby bro.
Angel walks upstairs with Scott looking at her with an annoyed and concerned face.

Angel walks upstairs with Scott looking at her with an annoyed and concerned face

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(A/n: Her pjs in the end of chapter)

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