The Academy

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Trigger: Homophobic slurs and slight abuse?

Everything would've been fine if he'd just cleared his goddamned internet history. 

Tyler didn't clear his history. Typical. That would've been fine if his parents didn't check his history without warning one day. Fine, right? Wrong! He had spent the entire previous night watching some pretty questionable things, and, oh boy, were they questionable.

And now, the secret's out. 

"I can't believe what you did, Tyler," His dad mumbled, packing Tyler's bags, throwing his strategically hidden skirts and pink shirts into a pile by the fireplace. "We've known your tendencies for a while, but this? You've never acted on it! And dammit, no fag is going to live under my fucking roof!"

"Skirts, Tyler?" His mother shook her head "Skirts. Pink shirts, panties! You've been wearing fucking women's clothing and hiding them in your mattress!"

"Will you visit?" Tyler whimpered, helping his father pack up his masculine clothes. He didn't like to admit it, but he latched onto his parents.

"We'll visit when you stop sucking dick and wearing skirts," His father said bluntly, tossing Tyler's suitcase into the hallway. "Get your shit together, you're 18."

"Get in the car, we're probably going to be late for enrollment," Tyler's mom yelled, grabbing his arm.


When the family rolled up in the parking lot, it was raining. Wow. How fucking perfect.

There was a group, well, more like a line, of boys that trudged through the parking lot to a big, gray, tent-like structure. A line of all girls marched next to them.

Tyler's parents explained what this place was as they walked toward the tent.

"Yes, they legally are allowed to hit you, we gave them permission and signed your name on the paper," Tyler's mom explained, making Tyler whimper. "You will have private therapy and group discussions. There is an oath, you must repeat it, you must follow it and believe in it. Everything is set, your dorm is with 2 other boys, the number is 182. Go to the tent and they will explain what to do while we sign you up."

Tyler pushed back tears.

This was all too real. As he sulked slowly to the gray structure, a weight seemed to be compressing his own lungs. He sat down with the other kids, who kept their heads down and stayed quiet.

Oh my god, they had fucking scars on their arms and shit.

Tyler burst into tears and little was he aware, that on the other side of the room, somebody watched him cry, and he was determined to help Tyler through his first day at Academy for Troubled Homosexual Youth.

His name was Josh, and he wanted to help.


''Yo, Brendon,'' Josh tapped his friend's shoulder softly, whispering. ''Check it out. Newbie. Let's go over there before the cronies get to the poor kid.''

Josh and Brendon walked over to Tyler, who looked up and flinched slightly.

''H-Hello,'' Tyler mumbled, looking down. 

Josh put a finger under his chin and lifted it up. ''Don't worry, kid. We won't hurt you. You look fun, you'd be a great addition to our little group, right Bren?''

Brendon nodded his head, smirking. Not in a mean or condescending way, but a curious and cute way. 

''I'm Tyler...'' Tyler muttered absentmindedly, his mind completely absorbed by the deep brown eyes of the mysterious boy in front of him.

''I'm Josh, but I have other nicknames among the newbies,'' Josh smirked.

''Oh r-really?'' Tyler gulped. ''W-What are they?''

''I'll be sure to tell you later,'' Josh let go of Tyler's chin, standing up again. ''In the meantime, it's lunch.''

Brendon patted Tyler's back and he followed the two boys to yet another dull, colorless building. 

This place could use some glitter.

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