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{Gerard's POV}

I was sitting at my lunch table, enjoying my food when somebody came ambling up behind me.

And who should it be, other than Pete fucking Wentz?

I looked at Mikey's table, where he usually sat, wondering why he was attempting to socialize with me. It was actually unnerving to see Mikey's friends holding him back as his flushed, red face betrayed an emotion I like to call guilt-barrassment.

They were all snickering and full-on laughing, except for Mikey, who shouted, ''Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III, I will shove my foot in your short ass! If you don't stop, I will rip off your centimeter-long-'' Ray covered Mikey's mouth.

I was confused, but Pete just looked me in the eyes, completely seriously, and boldly stated, ''Your brother calls me daddy.''

And he walked away without another word, smirking to himself.

I stared after him in shock, barely taking in the scene before me: Ray letting Mikey go, Mikey pouncing on Pete, shoving his foot in his mouth. Brendon falling onto the floor in laughter, Pete screeching and running.

''Peter, I am going to fucking kill you!''

''That's not what you said last night!''

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