What A Night

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What he looks like in this fic^^^

This one has a hella predictable plot twist, but I like it, so I did it.

(Time skips used for dramatic effect)

{Gerard's POV}

Ray dragged me to a party, a really fucking wild party, the night before my first day of college. His logic was it would be a good idea to get me shitfaced drunk, drive me home, and leave me with a massive fucking hangover.

For some reason, I loved doing shit like that. I really should have objected, but I didn't because I don't care in the slightest.

I sat at the bar, slightly more than tipsy, and laughed as Ray grinded on some dude that looked suspiciously like my brother. I shrugged and went back to drinking, smiling to myself.

''Hey, can I get a...'' I heard a voice two seats down from me. ''Actually, fuck it. Surprise me.''

I turned to see a shorter man and my jaw fucking dropped. He wore a nice dress shirt, the first few buttons undone, a loose-hanging tie, black pants and hella nice shoes. Oh god, but his neck was covered with fucking tattoos. I had only just seen the guy but, fuck, I wanted to lick every single one.

His hair was black and short, but long enough to pull when I'm- ahem- back to what I was saying. He was a pure picture of hot!

Suddenly, he looked at me and I played it off like I was looking at somebody behind him, whistling a tune.

He got up from his seat and walked toward me anyway, smirking. And I realized he definitely noticed and I was totally fucked.

I frowned, thinking he was probably straight (ugh, all the cute ones are).

''Hey, red,'' He smirked, already stepping it up to a nickname basis. ''You here by yourself?''

Fuck. His eyes. 

''Ye- well... no,'' I smiled politely, blushing. ''I'm here with my friend, but I think he might have left to go fuck in the car.'' I cringed at the thought.

The man chuckled, then raised an eyebrow, ''Really, you? Alone? You must have sky-high standards, then. Girls probably fall at your feet!''

''Well...'' I scratched the back of my neck. ''Sucks for them, I guess. I don't really swing that way.'' 

''Lucky me,'' He smirked, leaning back onto the counter. 

''Lucky you...'' I giggled in response, trying to stay as calm and flirty as possible. ''So... how 'bout you, then?''

''Massively gay,'' The man's teeth sparkled. ''I thought that much would be obvious, sugar.''

''Well, I'm never one to assume,'' I internally squealed. ''But I could say the same thing.'' I gestured to my outfit, which screamed 'bottom.'

The man shrugged, leaning closer a bit, ''Well, does a cutie like you come with a name?''

''Gerard,'' I blushed. The dude was smooth, I gotta step up my game, damn. ''How about you? Or should I just call you sir?'' I smirked. 

The man looked taken aback, blushing furiously. I knew it was a bit of a risk, as it could be gravely misinterpreted, but I was having fun and frankly, I didn't give a damn.

''Frank,'' He smiled. ''Your name suits you, I like it.''

''Thank you,'' I flashed a smile back. ''Frank.''


We drank a lot of alcohol and both ended up severely drunk, but it was great.

''You wanna get outta here?'' I whispered in Frank's ear. 

''You don't have to ask me twice,'' He smirked, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the crowded building.

We ended up getting an Uber and decided to go to my house. He didn't care to protest because we were drunk and horny and we just needed somewhere to go. Frank, throughout the entire drive, talked to me as if we were having a casual conversation. 

Acting like he wasn't rubbing up the inside of my fucking thigh. 

Then we made it to my house, barely stumbling into the living room before I was pushed up against a wall. I gasped as Frank smashed his lips against mine. His tongue worked wonders in my mouth and it wasn't long before we were tugging our shirts over our heads.

I stared down at the man's tattoos, and as an artist, I would have taken a moment to appreciate them if I wasn't so fucking horny. 

Then, Ray texted me. I groaned and picked up the phone.

where u at lmao u could be gettin sum rn

Immediately, I typed a response. 

i am now shut up so i can get laid

oh my bad bro have fun lol

I rolled my eyes and put my phone down, going back to my previous task, getting these goddamn skinny jeans off. 

''What was all that about, Gee?'' Frank asked, helping me undo my pants.

''Nothing, just my friend Ray asking where I am,'' I muttered, relishing in the feeling of the shorter boy's hands right where I wanted them.

''Well, then,'' Frank smirked. ''How about that 'sir' thing that you mentioned earlier, hmm? Don't think I didn't notice your eyes when you said it... kinky little whore...''

I squealed, high pitched, as he pushed me onto my knees roughly. 


I obediently kicked my pants off, with a slight struggle as I used only my feet. My hands were busy tracing every single piece of ink littering Frank's torso. He hummed in appreciation as I traced his v-line.

I used one of my hands to pull Frank's pants off completely, now we were both in our boxers. 

I could see Frank's bulge and let me just say, he may be short in height, but don't let that fool you. 

I bit my lip and looked up at him, tentatively licking his bulge and hearing him keen softly. I pulled down his boxers and whined at the sight in front of me. 

Fuck, this man is blessed.

This is going to be fucking fun.


When I woke up, my head was aching and my ass hurt like fuck.

Oh my god,  I slept with a stranger the night before my first day of college!

I quickly hopped in the shower and got ready, groaning as I saw an array of hickeys on my neck. Fuck that, it was worth it.

I got dressed and put on a scarf, making me look even gayer if that was possible. It's true! Scarves are gay! Just ask my best friend, Ryan.

I rushed out of the door and to school, tripping over my own feet a few times.


I sat down in front of the class, not completely enthusiastic for my first lesson. It was early, I was tired, and I wanted to fucking bang my head on the desk.

Then, I heard a few girls gasp behind me and I rolled my eyes as I turned around, choking on my own breath.

"Hello, class. I am Mr. Iero and I am your English professor." 



Well, part 2 or no?

(Emo) Band One-Shots Part 2!!!Where stories live. Discover now