A Great Workday

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{Gerard's POV}

I was having a good day at work, today. I had gotten a pretty decent-sized tip from a couple, presumably because it was their anniversary and they were feeling generous. After that, everybody I was serving had been very pleasant.

I beamed as two young men, about in their twenties, entered the restaurant, hand-in-hand. It reminded me of me when I was young, walking around hand-in-hand with my boyfriend (now husband), Frank.

After a while, the couple I had been serving left and I cleaned up the table. Another couple came in and sat down where the other people had just left.

I was tending to another table when I first heard the thing that shocked me.

''You need serious help,'' The woman muttered to the couple of guys. ''Fucking Satanists if you ask me.''

They just sort of looked down, but I fumed, wanting to say something. Surely, though, I would get fired and I can't do that. I provide for me and my husband

So, I just walked away, tending to the tables I needed to. 

But the couple kept being berated.

''You should come to church with us,'' The man said. ''Let go of your worldly desires.''

''No, thank you, sir,'' One of the boys mustered a sweet smile. ''Ryan and I are perfectly happy right now. Thank you for the offer, though.''

I smiled and began to walk away, but I froze when I heard the word. The one word. 

''Faggots,'' The lady sighed out under her breath.

''Excuse me, miss,'' I turned around. ''I couldn't help but overhear your dilemma. Would you like a new table? I would kindly appreciate if we didn't have to have any issues here.''

The woman looked stunned, but she huffed out a, ''yes, please.''

I escorted the homophobic couple to a new table and they thanked me, taking one last glare at the two boys.

They looked miserable and embarrassed.

''Thank you,'' The boy with curly, light brown hair muttered. ''Not like we get much respect, it's still not accepted everywhere.''

''I get it,'' I smiled apologetically as the boy just looked confused. ''But guys like us, we've got to watch each other's backs.''

The two just stared at me in confusion.

''At least, that's what my husband always says,'' I smirked, hoping they'd get the hint.

''Oh!'' The darker-haired boy's eyes lit up. ''Wow! I never actually get to meet other dudes in the LGBT community! Feels pretty good to know that maybe we can last, too.''

He smiled at the boy beside him and squeezed his hand.

''Well, good luck on your date,'' I winked.

''Good luck with your husband,'' The boy smiled in return.

''Well, he's a handful,'' I chuckled. ''Gotta love him, though.''

''Oh, sweetie,'' The curly-haired one laughed back. ''I know the feeling.''

The other boy blushed, punching him on the arm playfully.

I just shook my head and laughed, walking away to the next table I would be serving.

What a great workday.

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