Chapter Six

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"It's impossible, Erica," I exacerbated, flopping back on the couch set up in front of the dressing rooms. "We've been to every damn store in the mall and I haven't found a single dress."

Erica pat my back comfortingly. "We haven't gone to every store yet," she said, smirking down at me. "Come on, I always save the best for last."

I grabbed my mini backpack purse and followed her out of the store. We walked past more and more stores, stores I had already been into and nearly tried on every single dress they had. We had been at the mall for already three hours and I was growing hopeless. The charity ball is tomorrow night and the hopes of getting a killer dress was becoming less and less.

"Here," she said, stopping in front of the one store we hadn't been into yet. "This is my sisters' store."

"What?" I choked out but she was already walking inside.

I followed after her quickly, watching as she immediately ran up to one of the cashiers, the two hugging each other as if they haven't seen each other in decades.

"Beth, this is my sister, Erin. Erin, this is my coworker and best friend, Beth," Erica introduced, me and Erin shaking hands.

She was plus-size, as I was, and shaking her hand I realized this was a plus-size clothing store.

"How ya doin' dear?" she asked, smiling happily at me, a smile similar to Erica's.

"I have a crisis," I told her. "I have to attend a super formal charity ball tomorrow night and I have no dress, at all."

She hummed happily, looking me up and down. 

"I love when you bring me models," She told Erica, the two laughing together. "Alright hun, head on back to the first fitting room, I'll be around to get you some dresses to try on."

I followed her instructions and moved to the back of the store and entered the first fitting room. I looked myself in the mirror in there. After spending so long not finding anything, I was beginning to feel self-conscious. I didn't even want to try on any more dresses if I was just going to be disappointed.

I looked plumper today. I wore skinny jeans that just seemed to emphasis my muffin-top and my loose white t-shirt wasn't hiding it. My arms felt big; disgusting, even. I wanted to hide them, I wanted to hide myself in a large hoodie and eat a tub of ice-cream, as I usually did when my conscience got the better of me.

A soft knock was heard at the door and I turned around, staring at it. 

"Alright, darlin'. I got the perfect dress for you. What color you prefer? Dark green or red?" Erin called from the other side.

I opened the door and looked at the two identical dresses, mesmerized by the shiny material. I grabbed both of them, still looking at the pretty gowns. "I'll try them both."

Erin smiled and shut the door for me, allowing me to hang the two dresses up and discard my outfit to try them on. I tried the dark green one on first. The material was like silk, extremely smooth and comfortable on the skin. It was fitted around the bust, showing a small sliver of cleavage, the straps were very thin and when it reached my waist it flared out just enough but kept my shape with a long slit going up the left leg. It was a sexy dress; very sexy.

I exited the dressing room and gave the dress a twirl for Erica. She whistled. "Damn, that's a beautiful dress, Beth," she said. "I love it, the color looks good too."

"Let me ask you something," Erin jumped in quickly. "Do you want to pop at this party or do you want to blend in?"


"She wants to pop!" Erica answered for me.

Erin chuckled. "Might I suggest the red one, then. It would go very well with your pale skin and your almost white hair. It will look breathtaking."

I shrugged and shut the door to the fitting room once again, changing into the red one. I looked myself in the mirror and was astonished at how absolutely beautiful the red looked. Even with my hair up in a ponytail, it looked good, the slit up the leg was a nice touch and the shiny material was gorgeous.

I exited the dressing room once again, twirling the dress once more. "This is perfect," I said.

"Damn, sister. You do some good ass work here," Erica said. "I'll have my wife drop by here. She wants a nice dress for Dan's wedding, you remember Dan?"

"How could I forget?" she sighed. "A true asshole. But! Anyway, Beth, dear, this dress looks incredible."

I chuckled at their little banter and nodded. "I'll take this one. Do you have any heels to match?"

"Of course," Erin said excitedly. "I'll be right back."

"You remember my cousin Dan?" Erica asked and I nodded. "Yeah, the dickhead's getting married to some dumb blond--no offense--and he had the nerve, the nerve, to invite me and my sister after all his years of making fun of us."

"Well, it seems like you're going."

"I'd rather not," Erica admitted, sighing heavily. "My wife, Lily, she insists that patching things up with him now, at his wedding, is the only chance I'll get."

"She's always been a sweetheart, how's she been?" I asked, grabbing the two pairs of red heels from Erin and trying one on. 

"Been working her ass off, we're trying to have a kid."

I looked up at her in shock, grabbing her hands. "No way! Why didn't you tell me?"

She shrugging, laughing happily. "It was meant to be a surprise but it was killing me not being able to tell anyone."

I had decided I didn't like the first pair of heels an tried on the second one. They were a deep red with thin straps that went up my calves. They were perfect with the dress.

"Thanks so much, Erin, I seriously would've spent another three hours here without your help," I told her, heading back into the dressing room to change back into my clothes.

"Feel free to stop by anytime," she said, checking me out and handing me my receipt.

We waved her good-bye and me and Erica stopped for lunch.

No more stress, for now, thank God.

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