Chapter Fifty Four

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Jason sat with his parents, beside Natasha, as they watched a very charitable golf game. It was dull, to say the least, and had mainly involved Natasha's constant talking. His father was so out of it, he was ripping his napkin into thin strips and then ripping those strips into little pieces of confetti. 

"Oh, god, and my friend, she was so wasted--"

"Dear," spoke his mother, silencing Natasha almost instantly. His mother never once glanced their direction but kept her eyes trained on the pond in the middle of the golf course. "You must stop. It might be okay to speak about such things with your parents, but we do not discuss such topics. Have more respect for yourself."

However much he hoped, Jason wished Natasha would've stopped talking but, instead, she turned her head to Jason and continued her story, whispering it lowly into his ear. He didn't want to listen to her or anything she had to say. 

"So," his mother spoke once more, looking at his father, silencing Natasha once again. "When will the wedding be, dear?"

His father looked up at his wife, blinking a few times. "Who's he getting married to?" he asked innocently, not fully there in the head.

His mom laughed nervously. "Why, honey, don't you remember it's--"

"It's Ms. Blythe, isn't it?" his father asked, smiling so widely. The sound of her name hurt Jason and he stared wide-eyed at his father, completely shocked for a moment. "He'll be such a happy man. I love Ms. Blythe, what a beautiful young woman. Jason loves her the most, yeah?"

Jason's eyes could easily be popping out of his skull right now, he could see his mother was absolutely fuming at the remark and Natasha was beyond confused. His father was smiling so warmly, leaning back in his seat happily. "They're beautiful together. I love Ms. Blythe. I'd be wonderful if she was my daughter-in-law, wouldn't it, honey?"

His mother was lost for words and so was everyone else. Jason cleared his throat, placing a hand on his fathers arm. "Father, no," he began, stammering a moment. "Me and Eliza--Ms. Blythe. We aren't--I'm not--"

"No?" his father asked, sounding so heartbroken about it. "My, that's too bad."

"Sweetie," his mother demanded, speaking through gritted teeth. "Jason's fiance is Natasha Valentine. Don't you remember now?" He nodded, not too terribly interested in the conversation anymore. "When shall we plan the wedding?"

He shrugged. "When shall we?"

It was evident that Ms. Angeline was beyond furious at her husband's scatter brain and laughed sheepishly. "Natasha, dear," she said, still looking at her husband. "We shall have the wedding in two next Saturday. We'll set up the entire thing in our beautiful backyard, it will be just lovely, don't you think?"

Although she posed a question, there was hardly any room for negotiation. Natasha simply nodded, her curly hair bouncing as she did so.

"Next Saturday?" Jason asked, watching his mother glance at him for a second then away. "I thought we agreed on the Saturday after."

"Well, plans change, don't they?" she said. "That is why we must be flexible." Jason didn't argue any further, knowing full-well he'd be stepping onto dangerous territory. "Will you two please excuse us, I need to speak with my husband."

Natasha was quick to jump to her feet, grabbing Jason and pulling him away. Once they were alone, Diana shot a glare to her husband. "How dare you humiliate me like that?" she spat.

"Abilon loves someone else, Diana," Mr. Angeline said to his wife, wiping the fake-brain-dead-act off and lighting a cigar, taking a large puff and watching the golf tournament. "Don't you think we've tortured him enough?"

She scoffed. "Now you're concerned about that?" she snapped. "Who gives a damn about some fat secretariat, she can be replaced and is replaced."

"She's not replaced in Abilon's heart."

"He's going to marry Natasha Valentine."

"He doesn't even need to. The company doesn't need the extra money, plus, Mr. Valentine has already agreed to start a partnership with us, with or without the marriage. You're doing this because he's not your son."

"Avery should've ran that damn company and you know it," she snapped, her eyes holding nothing but pure rage. "He's a bastard. How long do you plan to hide it?"

He shrugged. "Most of my business partners know it now, they like Abilon much more than they ever liked me or Avery."

"He is not our son!" she whispered to him, trying to keep her voice down.

He leaned forward to her, eyes ablaze. "Then why are you trying to keep it a secret?"

Her tongue was caught in her mouth, she glared at him. "He will marry her."

"That is what you think. I've already signed the company in his name, dear," he said, returning the same dark glare. "I think, after this so-called wedding, me and you should take a vacation for a long time."

"I won't let you ruin our name."

"He's made the name better than either of us could've done. We've got plenty of money, what more do you want you shallow bitch?"

"I want him to suffer," she snapped. "He ruined our marriage, all because you slept with his whore of a mother."

Mr. Angeline chuckled lowly, putting out his cigar and standing to his feet, still staring off into the distance. "I loved that whore more than I ever could've loved you. After you sort out the wedding, you will be no more, Diana." With that said, he walked off, leaving there to fume by herself.

Her whole entire plan was to get them to marry, get Valentine's money and disappear for good, now, now it seemed like all of that was falling apart right in front of her eyes. She was hell bent on forcing this wedding. She wasn't going to allow anyone nor anything get in her way.

Plot twist.

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