Chapter Nineteen

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The Mystery Science Fair 201X was due tomorrow, and Dendy and KO had already began working together, even though KO didn't like what Dendy had planned.

"You think she'll be okay with this?" KO asked.

"Y/n will be fine. I'm just going to conduct a few experiments and then it will all be over." Dendy said as she opened her locker, placing a binder in it.

"Can't me and Tko do them instead?" KO asked. "Y/t/n is really scary... And I've never actually seen her. She's only ever said something through Y/n and helped us best Shadowy Figure, and I was still scared."

"You and Tko will be doing it. I'm using you and Y/n." Dendy said.

"Using us for what?" Y/n asked, startling KO.

"O-Oh. She just wanted to help us with the science fair." KO said.

"I want to conduct a few experiments on you and KO's turbo forms." Dendy said. Y/n frowned.

"Nope, I'm not doing it. Y/t/n only comes out for KO." She said as she crossed her arms.

"Tko will be there. Will you do it for both of them?" Dendy asked.

"Of course I would! If it were absolutely necessary! And it is definitely not necessary for a science fair." Y/n said.

"I told you she wouldn't agree to it." KO said.

"Y/t/n has been around longer. It would've been nice to compare their energy, but I guess this is fine." Dendy said. She stepped away from her locker. "Now please step inside."

"Why? What's gonna happen? Is there some sort of secret lab it leads to?" Y/n joked. Dendy pushed the two in. She spoke into a speaker.

"Destination: Secret lab." She said. Y/n's eyes widened.

"Wait, is there actually a--" She got cut off as the floor below them disappeared and they were shot through a tunnel.

They ended up in another room. It was bright inside. Y/n looked around. It was a lab.

"But didn't we just go down?" KO said as he looked at the floor.

"I'll give you a lecture on physics later. Come along, KO." Dendy said as she led them to her computer.

"What's this?" KO asked as he picked up a container. He found a red button on the top. Just before he could press it, Dendy grabbed it.

"Please don't touch it. This one means the most to me. It was the very first invention I ever made." Dendy said. "Now, first things first. In order to unleash Tko, we'll have to try some things that may upset you and unleashing him."

"Don't you think this is a little overboard for a science experiment? I mean, Tko can be really dangerous when provoked. And I, of all people, should know that you shouldn't provoke them." Y/n said.

"Do not worry. We are in a safe, controlled environment. Tko cannot harm us." Dendy said.

"Are you sure?" Y/n asked.

"I'm sure. Now, onto the first test." Dendy said. She looked at KO. "Also you'll need to take your shirt off so I can connect the wires."

"That's a little weird, Dendy." Y/n said.

"Nonsense. This is what it takes when it comes to science." Dendy said.

"If unleashing turbo forms is what it takes when it comes to science, I'll stick with fiction." Y/n said.

"Very well. Onto the first test!" Dendy exclaimed.


After a while of putting KO through tests, such as robot sharks, running on legos, and more, they were no where near unleashing Tko. Dendy sighed.

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