Chapter Twenty Nine

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I am so sorry I haven't been writing in this book lately. I have writer's block, and I can't write anything. But I've been trying. Hopefully after I write this chapter, I'll have some inspiration again.

Anyways that's all enjoy.

"KO, I'm going out. I'll see you later." Y/n said as she walked past him, going to the door.

"What? Where are you going? I thought we were gonna try and relax today, not go looking for Y/t/n!" KO said as he stood up, walking over to her.

"KO, I'm not going to look for her, I'm just gonna go visit my dad for a little while." Y/n said.

"Do you want me to come with you?" KO asked.

"No, that's okay. You should stay here and rest. I'll be back later." Y/n said. She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him. A few seconds later, she pulled away. "I'll see you later, KO." She turned and opened the door, stepping outside. As she walked down to the sidewalk, she smiled and waved at KO.

"Bye!" KO waved goodbye as he watched her leave. He then shut the door, staying inside.

Y/n walked down the sidewalk, making her way down to the factory that her father owned. Eventually, the building was in sight.

She walked up to the building, and knocked on the large metal doors. They opened moments later to reveal Shannon, Darrel, and Raymond.

"Y/n! You're back already!" Shannon scooped Y/n up before anyone else could. She squeezed her in a tight hug.

"We couldn't find Y/t/n..." Raymond said.

"It's fine. That's not what I came here for. I came to talk to dad." Y/n said. Shannon put Y/n down.

"He's in his office right now. We can take you to him! C'mon!" Shannon exclaimed as she dragged Y/n inside, the other two robots following.

Shannon led them to a door down the hall. Without even knocking, she kicked the door open and ran inside.

"Daddy, look who came to visit!" Shannon exclaimed excitedly as she pointed at Y/n.

"Y/n! You're already back? I thought you were going to try and take your mind off of Y/t/n." Boxman said. Y/n approached his desk, sitting down in one of the chairs in front of it.

"I am. I came to talk about other stuff." Y/n said.

"What kind of other stuff? Has something else happened?" Boxman asked. Y/n shook her head.

"No. I came to talk about mom. And a little bit about Y/t/n, so I guess I haven't quite taken my mind off her yet." Y/n said. Boxman frowned.

"Why would you want to know anything about your mother besides the fact that she's evil?" He asked.

"I need to know." Y/n said. "Now, first question. Did she make Y/t/n?"

"No... But she hired someone to do it..." Boxman said. Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"Who?" She asked. Boxman sighed.

"I'm not sure. Only she knew the identity of him. But I think he went by--" Boxman was cut off.

"Shadowy Figure?" Y/n finished. Boxman raised an eyebrow.

"How did you know?" He asked. Y/n handed him the POW Card she had 'borrowed' from KO's collection to show Boxman.

"He made Tko, KO's turbo form. He's been breaking into the bodega to steal things from us he finds useful. Last time we saw him was a couple weeks ago, and we haven't heard from him since." Y/n said.

"What do you plan on doing with him?" Boxman asked.

"Probably question him, see why he needs the things he's been stealing from us. After that, we'll probably just hand him over to P.O.I.N.T or something like that. But I'm one hundred percent sure Tko is probably going to beat him up once we catch him." Y/n said. "I have another question. Why was Y/t/n created?"

"Your mother was a dark person. She wanted to steal everyone's powers and become stronger. She gave you one in hopes of taking your energy and becoming stronger." Boxman answered.

"So she made Y/t/n just to kill her?" Y/n asked. Boxman nodded.

"I'm afraid so. I would've stopped her if I had known that what she was doing was wrong, even for a villain." Boxman said.

"Okay. One last question..." Y/n said. "How come glorbs make me stronger? How come everyone else seems to be badly affected by glorbs, but they make me better?"

"That one's... A tough one..." Boxman said.

"But you know why, right?" Y/n asked. Boxman sighed.

"I do, but... It's not a very good thing. Are you sure you want to know?" He asked.

"I'm sure." Y/n said. She needed to know why she was different. It's a question that's been bothering her for years.

"Well... When Y/t/n was first created, your mother successfully put glorb energy into your DNA, allowing it to mix with natural turbo energy. Unfortunately for her, her turbo energy was stolen, so it wasn't truly apart of her. She couldn't mix the two energies together, and there was an explosion, killing her." Boxman explained. Y/n's eyes widened slightly.

"You... You mean I had glorb energy in my turbo energy? Well that means Y/t/n is much stronger than what we thought!" Y/n exclaimed.

"No, she's not that powerful. She may be the strongest person anyone's faces, but she's not that strong. No, the glorb energy is a part of you." Boxman said as he pointed at her.

"Does that mean that maybe I can fight her?" Y/n asked.

"It does. You may not beat her, but you'll put up a heck of a fight." Boxman said. Y/n stood up.

"Thank you for answering my questions. I needed to know this. Now I have a way to beat Y/t/n. I can just use more than one glorb." She said.

"Y/n, I must warn you, putting more glorb energy than what you can handle may be dangerous, deathly even." Boxman said. Y/n smiled at him.

"I've been holding in Y/t/n for many years. I can handle a bit more glorb energy than usual." She said. Boxman sighed.

"So you'll fight her?" He asked.

"As soon as I find her, I'm going to take care of her. It's only a matter of time before she has to come out of hiding." Y/n said. She was determined to take down the one thing that ruined her life.

She was going to make sure that Y/t/n went back into her head and stayed locked up permanently.

Sparkle (KO x Reader x Tko)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ