Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Enid! Rad!" Y/n and KO rushed into the store.

"Hey, guys!" Enid waved. She noticed their distressed faces. "What is it?"

"It's Y/t/n! We don't know where she's at!" KO said. Rad raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't she inside Y/n's mind?" He said.

"No, we let her out by giving Y/t/n her own body and now we don't know where she's at!" Y/n said. Enid and Rad's eyes widened as they looked at each other.

"Y/n, why would you do such a thing?! Who knows what she's going to do!" Enid said.

"I thought I could trust her! She sounded sad and I thought she really meant it when she said she would be good!" Y/n said.

"This is just great. Without Y/t/n, you're not strong. Now nobody will be able to beat her!" Enid said.

"I know and I'm sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen. I just wanted to be free from her... To not have to deal with her anymore..." Y/n's voice quietened. Enid sighed.

"Look, why don't we go talk to Boxman? Maybe she went to see him." She said.

"Let's hope so. Because if she's not there, I won't know where else to look. It's the only other place I know." Y/n said. Enid nodded and walked to the door.

"Let's go. The sun is setting. We'll want to find her before it's too dark to see." She said as they began walking across the street.

Once inside Boxmore, they were greeted by the three robots, Darrel, Shannon, and Raymond.

"Hello, dearest sister! What brings you here this late?" Raymond asked Y/n.

"We're here to talk to my dad. We need to ask him some things." Y/n said.

"Right. Well, follow us. He's right in here." Raymond said as the three robots led him to Boxman's office. He knocked on the door, and heard a 'come in' from the other side.

He pushed the door open to reveal Boxman sitting at his desk. He saw Y/n and smiled.

"Y/n! What are you doing here so late in the day?" He waved.

"I came to ask you some questions about... Y/t/n." Y/n said. Boxman raised an eyebrow.

"This couldn't wait until tomorrow? It's late and you'll probably be heading home soon." He said.

"No, it couldn't wait. This is very important. Y/t/n has her own body, and has disappeared. We were hoping she may have come here, looking to ask you about something." Y/n said. Boxman's eyes widened.

"She's free?! B-But how?!" He exclaimed.

"I thought I could trust her to be good, and we gave her a body so she could be free. But now she's gone and we don't know where she's at." Y/n said.

"Y/t/n is a despicable, evil person who has no remorse or mercy. Even us villains wouldn't go as far as her. Why would you ever trust her?" Boxman said.

"She sounded sad. I thought maybe she really did regret being evil." Y/n looked at the floor.

"Turbo forms can pull of some things not everyone can do. She probably tricked you into thinking she was sad." Boxman said.

"I know that now..." Y/n said. "But, I need to ask you something else. What would Y/t/n be after? Something that she thinks is important."

"Hm... Probably things about your mother, since she just as bad as Y/t/n." Boxman said.

"She was?" Y/n asked.

"She was. She was a terrible, evil person and I didn't understand back then that she was using me to make machines. She wanted to become the most powerful person ever. She was going to give everyone turbonic energy to strengthen them, then suck the powers right out of them to make herself stronger. She was pretty much invincible up until she died." Boxman explained.

"How exactly did she die?" Y/n asked.

"She was trying to infuse glorb energy into her DNA. Unfortunately, she didn't actually have a turbo form. So it killed her. She died in an explosion." Boxman said.

"That must be what Y/t/n is after. More turbo energy." Y/n said.

"But, Y/n..." KO began. She turned to him. He looked scared. "I have turbo energy. What if she goes after me?"

"I won't let her hurt you, I promise. We'll find her and stop her before anything bad happens." Y/n said, assuring him that he was safe.

"Okay... But what about all the other people? What if she tries to give them turbo forms just to take their energy?" KO asked.

"I'll keep a close eye out for Y/t/n. You need to go home and rest so you can go looking for her." Boxman said.

"For once, he's right, you two. You need some rest. I'd imagine this is pretty stressful for you two, especially you, Y/n." Enid said.

"Okay... We'll search for her tomorrow." Y/n said.

"Okay. I'll see you then, right?" Boxman said.

"Right." Y/n smiled. The group turned and walked to the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" Boxman waved goodbye.

"Bye!" Y/n waved goodbye to her father as she walked out of his office.

"C'mon, Y/n. I want you to get as much rest as possible." KO said as he grabbed her hand and led her out, going home.

So this story will be ending soon. Sorry, but it's true. Oh, and trust me when I say this:

You won't like the ending.

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