Chapter 33: Smoke

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Chapter song-

Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?-by-Arctic Monkeys



I finally walk back to the hotel.

I unlock my room and close it behind me, not locking it, just in case Jesse comes back. She forgot the room card.

I strip down to my boxer briefs and slide in under the covers.

I close my eyes, trying to get some sleep. I can't sleep.

I stay awake, on my back, looking up at the ceiling. My chest is still tight from earlier.

My anxiety and stress levels are high.

I just lay in the bed and wait till the day starts. I can only sleep when she's next to me.


My phone rings. "Hello." I answer.

"Louis, I'm coming over to pick you up for recording." Harry says into the phone. I groan and hang up. I'm not going!

The door opens, reviling Harry. He walks in. He looks down at me.

"You look horrible." He says.

"Thanks." I sassily say.

"What's wrong with you?" He asks.

I shake my head. I'm spread out, covering the whole bed.

"Come on. Is it Jesse? Where is she?" He asks.

I let out a whimper. He looks at me, wide eyed. "I don't know. She left me." I worriedly say.

"Oh." Is all he says.

"She'll come back." He says, trying to lighten up the mood.

I huff for the millionth time in the last 24 hours.

He worriedly looks down at me. That's one of the few times I've seen him wear his emotion.

"You're miserable." He mumbles.

"You've got bags. And you look sick." He says.

"Well I do feel sick! I'm sick from worrying so hard!" I lightly shout.

"I'll just tell the boys you're sick." He says as he gets up and leaves me to myself.

After another hour I get up and put some skinny jeans on and a sweater. I'm going for a walk.

It's cold outside today.


I exit the hotel. I walk along the sidewalk, looking down to the ground.

My hands are in the pocket of my sweater.

I decide on going into the drug store. I buy me some cigarettes. I remember in high school I had one when I was angry at Jesse and Harry. It had calmed me.

I also buy a lighter.

I walk outside and light it. I put it in between my lips. I breathe it in and blow out the smoke. It creates a fog in my mind, covering up my worry for Jesse and anger at myself. She could have at least told me where she was going so I wouldn't be so worried!

As I am walking and smoking I see a bar. I throw the cigarette away. I walk in.

There is a heavy smell of alcohol. I walk up to the seats and order a beer.

The bartender slides one in my direction and I catch it. I lift it up to my lips and drink it.


The Change {Louis Tomlinson~AU~PUNK~}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ