Bullied and Bully- II. 7th October, 2018.

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I'm fat.
I'm skinny.

I'm the loud one.
I'm the quiet guy.

I'm goth.
I'm hippie.

I am an athiest.
I am a believer.

I don't have parents.
I only have one parent.

I've been blind for as long as I can remember.
I lost my hearing when I was younger.

I was never sure about my sexuality, but after I met them, I found myself.
I happen to be asexual. What do you want me to do about it?


We're all different.
We're all special.

Why would you hurt them?
Aren't you just as unique-
Just as special?

Respect follows love.
Love yourself and you will
Be able to love others.

Stop bullying.
Let's put an end to bullying.
Because we all matter.

Because we are all worth it.

A/N: For the Wattpad-TELUS #EndBullying Poetry Contest in October/November, 2018.

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