Royai Halloween 2018 PART 1

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Disclaimer- I do not own FMA/B or any of it's characters, places, concepts, etc. All belong to their rightful owners.

Royai Halloween 2018

The halls of Central Command were decorated with orange and black streamers, and little plastic ghosts were taped to the windows.  Small pumpkins had been placed on everyone's desks, and fake spiders could be found hanging from the ceilings — occasionally scaring the crap out of any unsuspecting passersby.  Bright orange flyers hung intermittently. Colonel Mustang's team members were all working diligently at their desks as rain beat down on the building outside. They recently were given a case about a serial killer in the area, which led to investigations, interviews, research, and paperwork... a lot of paperwork. Mustang groaned and let his head flop down onto his desk- creating a loud thump.

"What's wrong, Colonel?" Fuery asked him.

"This is so much work! How can officers even interview people for this type of event? It's not like there were any witnesses! What the hell are they interviewing about?" he whined.

"Colonel, I suggest you stop whining and continue to work. Otherwise,you will have to work overtime again, and I really don't want to be here until nine at night babysitting you." Lieutenant Hawkeye warned.

The office went silent for a few minutes as the men continued to read and sign papers. Then, the silence was broken by Hughes throwing the door open and marching in. He gave a sloppy salute to them before whipping out a bright orange flyer.

"What's that?" Havoc asked while motioning to the flyer.

"You guys have been locked in here all day working and you missed Führer Grumman posting these all over the hallways!" Hughes teased. "Lighten up!"

Roy stood, walked over to Hughes, and took a flyer. He began to read it in his head, but then Hughes interrupted him.

"Read it out loud dummy!"

Roy shot him a look before clearing his throat and beginning to read the flyer.

"First Annual Central Command Halloween Costume Party! All are welcome! This Friday, October 31st from seven PM to midnight. Admission is free for all military personnel, and only $10 admission for family and friends. No Costume, No Entry! At eleven PM, winner of the costume contest will be announced. Solo, Partner, and Groups prizes! Note, Shoes and proper covering required. There will be no further limitations so long as your costume is not offensive to any race, ethnicity, etc. " Roy read.

"Oh that sound like fun!" Havoc said with an excited smile.

"It'll be better than just sitting in my house all night watching Halloween movies with Breda." Falman agreed.

"Yeah, definitely!" Breda added.

"We should go. It would be great to get dressed into a costume. I haven't worn a Halloween costume since the Halloween Party I went to senior year of high school." Fuery said.

"My beautiful wife Gracia is going to accompany me! And my adorable little Elycia is going to come too! She wants to be a fairy princess this year." Hughes was glowing as he spoke.

"Thanks for showing us this Hughes. I think it'll be really fun to try." Roy said. He turned to his team who at this point had all stopped working. "Are you all going to go?"

"Hell yeah!" Havoc said excitedly.

"It sounds like it would be a lot of fun! I am looking forward to it." Fuery said with a smile.

"As Falman mentioned before, it wound like a better evening that just sitting there all night rewatching the same Halloween movies." Breda commented. "We both know what's going to happen. Heck, we basically have every Halloween movie memorized!"

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