Royai Halloween 2018 Part 2

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Riza stepped out of the shower, and dried herself off. She slipped on a pair of shorts and a tank top before blow drying her hair. Hayate sat on her bed, watching her work on her hair in the bathroom. Costume number 12150 was laid out next to him.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." Riza mumbled to herself. Once her hair was dry, she flat ironed it. There wasn't a hair out of place.

She exited the bathroom and crossed her arms as she stared down at her costume. Hayate gave a small whimper, knowing that his mom was feeling nervous and unsure. She gave him a pat on the head, before picking up the first piece of the costume.

"Riza, you can do this." She said to herself.


I pulled up to Riza's apartment at precisely 6:45PM. I offered to drive her, and she happily agreed that she didn't have to enter alone. I unbuckled my seatbelt, and made my way up to her apartment. The landlord greeted me at the front desk.

"Good evening, Colonel Mustang! Love the costume!" he complimented.

"Thank you!" I said smiling.

He went back to what he was doing, so I made my way to the elevator. I stepped in, and waited for it to bring me to floor 2. When the doors opened, I made my way to Riza's door. I used my hands to brush of any dust or dirt on my costume. I straightened the fabric, and then, I knocked. I heard her footsteps nearing the door. I heard the lock click into the unlock position. The door opened. My stomach leapt into my throat, and I swear my heart stopped. My jaw must have hit the floor. I was not greeted by Lieutenant Hawkeye. I was greeted by the sexiest, most beautiful woman — Riza Hawkeye.

"Holy... crap..." I muttered.

The lieutenant's face went from shy with slight excitement to worried in an instant. "Is it a bad costume?" She began to panic.

"No! You look....INCREDIBLE!" I practically shouted.

Her blonde hair was straightened perfectly, with some hair falling over her shoulders. In her hair, was a bright red headband, with two devil horns coming out of the top. Her perfect hourglass figure was emphasized by the bright red, skin tight, patent leather dress she was clad in. Matching, knee high, heeled boots clung to her legs, showing off their slender yet fit figure. My lieutenant wore the sexy devil costume better than any model could have.

Once I composed myself, I held out my arm for her to take. She happily took it, and we made our way downstairs and into the car.


The costume was on, and the Colonel would be here any minute to pick me up.

"No turning back now." I said aloud to comfort myself as I continued to stare in the mirror.

I heard a knock, and figured it was Mustang. I made my way to the door, and unlocked it. I hesitated for a moment before I swung the door open. The Colonel stood before me in a black suit, with a crisp, white shirt showing underneath a decorative black jacket. Attached to the jacket was a black cape, red underneath, with a high collar. He wore a matching red tie. His hair was slicked back, and two fake vampire fangs were visible as he gave me a small smile. The Colonel looked beyond handsome.

"Holy...crap..." he muttered as he eyed me top to bottom.

I immediately began to panic. Maybe I went too crazy. Maybe I shouldn't have strayed from my usual, uptight personality. Maybe I look bad in this? I should've picked a more basic costume!

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