The Mad Man is Real!

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The Doctor's Tardis brings him and the Pond's to a strange town! While they are there they meet Maya, a 11 year old girl who has been sent to this town!

She Tell's the Doctor and his Companions the strange things that has been going on in this town!

The Doctor, Amy, and Rory soon solve the case! They leave the town and Maya.

Then a couple years later they come back! Maya thought it was only a dream! But soon she realized the Mad Man is real!

(But this story has a twist!)

A/N: Hey Fellow Whovian's! This is Maya and this is my first fan fiction on wattpad! So if I have crappy spelling! DON'T TELL ME! I KNOW OKAY!! I'M ONLY IN THE 6TH GRADE PEOPLE!! Well that is all for this Time if you enjoyed leave a vote and comment and I will see you next time! *Salutes*

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