The Mad Man is Back! [Part 2]

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Maya's POV

"DOCTOR!!" I yelled as I got cornered by Daleks. "EXTERMINATE HER!! EXTERMINATE HER!!" A Dalek screeched.

"DOCTOR!!" I screamed. Then the lights went out but I could see I had night vision!

I ran past the Dalek and to the Doctor who couldn't see anything. "Let's go before the Dalek turns the light back on!" I said.

"How can you see? It's pitch black!" He said. "My theory is I have night vision!" I replied. "NOW COME ON!!" I exclaimed and pulled him to threw the hall.

We walked right into a room with cells and the light was on. "Amy! Rory!" I said running up to their cell.

"Maya!" Amy and Rory exclaimed. "Eh hm! Me too!!" The Doctor flailed his arms making us laugh.

"Here!" I laughed taking out the key's to the cell. "How did you get those?!?" The Doctor asked.

"Well lets see, when me and you were stuck in are cells that was next to a Dalek who was talking to another Dalek about how to exterminate Amy and Rory I noticed one of them had the key, so when we got out and the lights turned off I took it!" I explained while I opened the cell.

"Now why didn't I think of that! That's BRILLIANT!!" The Doctor exclaimed. "Not really, but okay!" I laughed.

"DOCTOR!!" Amy yelled pointing past the Doctor where there was a Cyberman or whatever its called!

"What? That tin can on legs? That's easy!" I laughed then ran up to it and did a spin kick which kicked off its head. It fell to the floor as I walked back to them. "See easy!" I smiled.

"When did you learn to do that?!?" Rory asked. "You three left me at a town filled with all kinds of creatures for 6 years! Where do you think I learned it?" I laughed.

"Are you like part Ninja or..." Amy asked making me facepalm. "No I'm not a Ninja!" I laughed.

Then all of a sudden everything went black......

A/N: HAHAHA CLIFFHANGER!! Anyways hope you guys liked this chapter and Sorry for not updating in a while! I had writers block but not anymore but yet that might be the reason why this chapter isn't that long but; That is all for this time, if you enjoyed this Chapter leave a Vote and Comment and I will see you next time! Allons-y! *Salutes*

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