The fallen

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A familiar scene plays out in the vastness of space. A lone warrior stands before an evil tyrant

Freeza: "You know, the funny thing is, Bardock, even if you had seen this coming, there's nothing you could have done about it!" the heartless bastard began charging a Supernova from his finger, the bright light that would destroy the planet the Saiyans called home

Bardock: "You don't... You have no goddamned idea."

Zarbon: "Mmm, and even if you told every single Saiyan, none of them would have even believed you."

Bardock: "Just...please stop talking."

Dodoria: "And you never even got a chance to say goodbye to your son."

Bardock: "(thinking) I have one of those? *gasps* Oh, God, I have two of those!"

Freeza: "Consider this downsizing on a global scale! You can pick up your unemployment checks wherever you end up."

Bardock: "GO TO HELL!"

Freeza: "See, that was my first guess."
But now that's not the story that we're here to tell. Nah, this is my story, see, I was 17 at the time. I'd just been given my first set of armour and lord Freeza himself had handed me my very first scouter. At the time I took that as my greatest achievement, being handed the main tool of the galactic army by the emperor himself! Yeah, that didn't last long. Me and dad were sat at the bar, laughing about our last mission we had just returned from, eradicating a small colony of creatures on behalf of lord Freeza

 Me and dad were sat at the bar, laughing about our last mission we had just returned from, eradicating a small colony of creatures on behalf of lord Freeza

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A/n: your armour and scouter

father: "but I still don't understand how he was so strong! He was like destroyer god powerful!"

Y/n: "that's a bit much isn't it dad? I literally crushed him with my bare hands! Destroyer god is far too much of a compliment."

Bardock: "(enters inside from a door) "You guys! Freeza's going to..." (hit a table) "Augh!" (falls to the ground) "Who put that table there?"

Saiyan 1: "Dude, Bardock, are you wasted?"

Bardock: "Nooo. But my crew is..."

Saiyan 2: "You smell like poo!"

Bardock: "Listen to me! We don't have much time. Freeza's on his way here and he plans to kill us all! We have to raise an army and--"

Saiyan 3: "You're mom's an army!" The entire bar starts laughing hysterically. Father sighs and swigs his drink

Bardock: "What are you, stupid?! Do you--"

Saiyan 4: "You face is stupid!"
Again the entire bar starts laughing except me and dad

Father: "god there guys are idiots."

Bardock: "Augh! Do you idiots even get it? Freeza's about to commit genocide on our entire race!"
The room goes silent for a moment

Saiyan 5: "Cool story, bro!" Once again the damn bar explodes in laughter

Bardock: "You know what? F**k it! I'm done! I hope you all die and go to hell!" Bardock runs out of the bar clutching his arm

Saiyan 6: "Wow, that guy's a douche."
The bar begins to laugh again. I can see my father clenching his fists in anger. He launches a KI blast at the roof causing a loud bang and making everyone quiet down

Father: "next person to speak... gets sliced in half. Are we clear?" The entire bar sit back down quietly and carry on with their drinks

Y/n: "hey dad, you don't think that's actually true do you?"

Father: "I mean... Bardock's a smart guy but... I don't know, Freeza wouldn't dare attack us, I mean come on! He's our ruler, why would he want to kill us?"

Y/n: "yeah but... if he did?"

Father: "if he did then we'd deserve it... *sigh* the amount of people us Saiyans have killed under his rule is something I don't want to think about. Although..."

Y/n: "what dad?"

Father: "quite honestly son, I hate our race, they're narrow minded morons. What do you say to leaving? I have an old friend on a small planet outside of known space, I think we should leave for Mordrelis-9."

Y/n: "are you sure? I mean wouldn't that be classed as deserting?"

Father: "yes and yes. Come on." Father begins to sprint out of the bar, I follow him as he leads me towards a Saiyan pod

Father: "alright, get in son. We can-... oh no." I look up in the sky to where fathers gaze is locked. An enormous ball of energy is hurtling towards us! Without warning father pushes me into the pod and sets it for launch

Y/n: "DAD NO! COME ON *slamming on the door* THERE'S STILL TIME!" With a smile and a heavy heart, I watch father press the launch button and slowly his form becomes smaller and smaller "FATHER!!!"

As the pod hurtles out of the atmosphere, I watch as the ball of energy connects with the planet! The shockwave created ripples through the surrounding space, knocking me off course and pushing me further away from the planet. I hit my head on the roof of the pod as I'm tossed about and fall unconscious.

*timeskip- No ones POV*

Yang leans on the wooden railing of the balcony. Looking out to the sunset over the sea. She sighed heavily, wondering what the rest of her life would be without her arm... could she ever become a huntress? Would she ever ride bumblebee again? Her thoughts were broken as a loud high pitched whistling noice pierced through her ears. She looked to the sky and a large streak of white with black smoke trailing from it was crashing to the ground! As it hit the floor, a loud crash and explosion rippled through the island

*Yang's POV*

I run downstairs, jumping down the last 5 to speed my decent
Yang: "dad!"

Dad meets me at the bottom and reaches for the door handle

Tai: "yeah I know, I heard it too! What what was it"

Yang: "something crashed by the shore, it was badly damaged and smoking whe it crashed but Oum knows what it's tuna be like now!"

Tai: "come on, lets go take a closer look!"

Dad opens the door and I follow him as we run out the house towards the shoreline. As we make it there I can see a large crater in the sand, the waves lapping against the shore are slowly filling the crater with sea water. I've never seen anything like it, a large, smooth circular object with a red see through area on it

 I've never seen anything like it, a large, smooth circular object with a red see through area on it

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Yang: "what the hell is this thing?"

Tai: "I've no idea, maybe a satellite?" As I look closer at the red window, I can see what looks like a hand pressed up against it

Yang: "dad... what's that on the window thingy?"

Tai: "my Oum! Someone's in there!"

The fallen Saiyan- Yang X male Sayain readerWhere stories live. Discover now