'Where am I?'

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*Yang's POV*
Dad placed him down on the spare bed, the guys entire body is bruised and cut, must have been from the fall.

Tai: "who the hell is this guy? I've never seen armour like this before."

Yang: "well what about this?" I remove the device from his head and inspect it. "It has some kind of readout but I can't make out any of this!"

Tai: "possibly new atlas tech?who knows what they're making these days."

I place his device on the die of the bed and run my hands up his arm
Yang: "his muscle structure is incredible, it's like they're made of steel cords."

Tai: "stop massaging his muscles."

I turn around and raise an eyebrow at dad.
Yang: "what I'm saying dad is he's so well built and yet he has no weapon? Something's not right here. The armour isn't damaged, he's weaponless and all he has on him is this head piece thing. Who is he?"

Tai: "I'm not so sure... let's try something."

Dad kneels down and places a hand on the mans chest, then begins to channel his aura into him to begin repairing his body. Dad stands back up confused.
Tai: "he doesn't have an aura"

Yang: "no aura? But I thought everyone did."

Tai: "so did I... admit, if the towers were still back up I'd call Qrow or Goodwitch, they'd know something I'm sure."

Yang: "*YAWN* well what do we wanna do with him for now?"

Tai: "I'll take the first watch tonight, hopefully once he's up we'll get some answers. You go rest."

Yang: "ok, goodnight dad."

*Y/n's POV*

I wake up to an unfamiliar room, dimly lit but warm. I turn my head and see there's someone with their back to me, I'm not alone!

I jump up and summon a purple Ki blade, then point it towards the stranger
Y/n: "start talking or I start stabbing!"

I jump up and summon a purple Ki blade, then point it towards the strangerY/n: "start talking or I start stabbing!"

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Man: "whoa whoa whoa! You're safe, just relax!"

Y/n: "where am I?"

Man: "you're in my home, we saw you fall out of the sky, now would you put that thing away?"

I disperse the blade and relax my stance

Y/n: "sorry... I didn't expect to be found after the crash."

Man: "well surprise. You're safe and we've been tending to your wounds as best we can. You can stay as long as you need to."

I sit back down on the bed confused
Y/n: "this isn't exactly what I expected..."

Man: "well what were you expecting?"

Y/n: "if I'm honest I was expecting you to kill me whilst I was down. Us Saiyans aren't exactly welcome in the rest of the galaxy."

The fallen Saiyan- Yang X male Sayain readerWhere stories live. Discover now