Raw, unbridled power

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*5 weeks later*

It's taken a while to get used to everything, being the only Saiyan alive, being on an unfamiliar planet and being the only person able to fly too, it's been crazy! Yang took a while to warm up to me. I don't think that was my fault, I think she just had too much on her mind to focus on another hot mess too.
Me and her have been sparring a lot recently, her teachers dropped round and that seemed to raise her spirits enough for her to try on her new arm which is pretty impressive actually.

Yang: " alright Y/n, you ready for this? I'm not gonna hold back this time."

Y/n: "and what makes you think I will?"

Yang: "then you won't mind if I use my semblance!"

Y/n: "your what?"

Yang: "you'll see in a moment."

she runs at me and I duck under her fist, as I do she tries to hook me with her other arm but I power up and release my energy quickly which throws her back. She flies backwards and eats dirt as her face impacts the floor. She pushes herself up and looks at me with a mouthful of dirt and a flower stem sticking out of her teeth.

Y/n: *snort* heh... eh he... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Holy crap that's funny!"

She jumps up and spits out the dirt, her eyes have turned colour? They're red! Yang shouts and explodes, her hair is glowing?! Her power level is rising exponentially!

Y/n: "this is... how?"

Yang: "what? This is my semblance?"

Y/n: "you're the... s-super Saiyan!"

Yang: "the what?"

Y/n: "it... it's a legend... this is incredible! How are you able to do that?!"

Yang: "it happens when I get angry, I focus my rage into raw strength, seems to work for me, maybe you should try it."

Y/n: "anger? Please, these days I'm angrier than ever, and who can blame me? I'm the last Sayain alive, my planet is destroyed, and why? All because some arrogant bastard was afraid of us!"

*play song at top*
Tai: "Y/n!" Tai comes running out of the house with a part of the pods console in his hand "I was tinkering with the storage unit in the pod and I found something you should probably take a look at."

He hands me his scroll which is connected to the storage unit by a long cable, as I press play the unmistakable face of my father appears! The background noise is alive with screams of terror, and the rush of a pods engine slowly growing dimmer

Father: "Son... by my calculations I have about 30 seconds to record this and set it to send once transmission ends! Keep fighting son, you're the last Saiyan alive, you're the greatest hope the universe has of destroying Freeza and avenging our home... fight on son, and remember, I'm proud of-" the screen is engulfed with a bright red light then it shuts off. I watch as droplets of water begins to fall onto the screen, then I realise... I'm crying.

Yang: "Y/n? H-hey you ok? We're here for you."

My breathing becomes heavy, I drop the scroll as I fall to my knees.

Tai: "Y/n? You need a moment?"

Y/n: "I'm the last Saiyan alive..."

Yang: "maybe not, perhaps someone else survived."

Y/n: "Freeza killed them all!"

Yang: "Y/n you're safe. We're here with you."

Y/n: "I... I hope Freeza comes to Remnant one day... SO I CAN KILL HIM MYSELF!" I feel my rage increasing higher and higher, the sound of Freeza's shrill laugh ringing through my ears as my power rises, "FREEZA!!!" I feel my fists clench tighter as the ground around me slowly rises up as my energy becomes out of control. I release my anger as thunder claps erupt through the cloudy sky, lightning striking closer and closer to my form

Yang: "Y/n! Keep going! You can do it!"


I open my eyes, Yang smiles as she looks at me, Tai's a mixture of impresses and confused

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I open my eyes, Yang smiles as she looks at me, Tai's a mixture of impresses and confused. I look at my body, the yellow light surrounding me, my hair is spiked up and golden!

Y/n: "I... I'm a super Saiyan?"

Yang: "you did it Y/n!"
She pays me on the shoulder and smiles. I hang my head and sigh

Y/n: "no... my father did it. I just wish I could figure how I use this to my advantage, and how I find Freeza now, my pods destroyed so I'm stuck here..."

Tai: "there's plenty of problems her Y/n, this planet could use your help."

Yang: "yeah, I've gotta go find mom in order to find Ruby soon, maybe you should come with me? It'd be good to have you watching my back. What do you say monkey boy?" She strikes my tail tied around my waist and smirks

Y/n: "yeah, ok let's go find your sister!"


Salza: "Monsieur Cooler! Ze pod has landed on an uncolonised planet, we are pulling up ze name of it now."

Cooler: "and what is the average power level of the inhabitants?"

Salza: "it is below normal monsieur. Planet Remnant has terrible weaklings. Possibly why zey have not been captured."

Cooler: "and yet the pod is there?"

Salza: "yes sir! We are also picking up high levels of fluctuating power too!"

Cooler: "how interesting... set course for this planet... Remnant."

The fallen Saiyan- Yang X male Sayain readerWhere stories live. Discover now