Continuation: Special Article: Sufferings on 1st safar(part 5)

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O Allah, take what belongs to us out of his hands, seek revenge against those who oppressed us, and let Your Wrath descend upon whoever shed our blood and killed our protectors! By Allah, you have burnt only our skin, you have cut only our flesh, ...

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O Allah, take what belongs to us out of his hands, seek revenge against those who oppressed us, and let Your Wrath descend upon whoever shed our blood and killed our protectors! By Allah, you have burnt only our skin, you have cut only our flesh, and you shall come face to face with the Messenger of Allah, peace of Allah be upon him and his progeny, bearing the burdens of the blood which you have shed, the blood of his offspring, and of his sanctities which you violated, when Allah gathers them together and seeks equality on their behalf.

"And do not reckon those who are slain in the way of Allah as dead. Nay! They are living with their Lord, receiving their sustenance." (03:169)It is quite sufficient that Allah is your judge and Muhammad, peace and blessing be upon his progeny, is your opponent and (Archangel) Jibra'il as the supporter (of Muhammad).  

 All those who instigated you to do what you did and all those who put you in charge due to which you are a playing havoc with the lives of the Muslims will know for certain how evil the end of the oppressors is and which of you shall have the worst place and will be the least protected? Although calamities have forced me to speak to you, I see you trivial in my eyes and find your verbal attacks great and regard your rebukes too much to bear, but the eyes are tearful, and the chests are filled with depression. What is even stranger is that the honored Party of Allah is being killed by the Party of the "Released Ones" – Party of Satan. 

Such hands are dripping with our blood; such mouths are feeding on our flesh, while those sacred and pure corpses are offered as food to the wild beasts of the desert and are dirtied by the brutes. If you regard us as your booty, you shall soon find us as your opponents -that will be when you find nothing but what your hands had committed."And your Lord never treats His servants unjustly." (41:46)To Allah is my complaint, and upon Him do I rely. 

So scheme whatever you wish to scheme, and carry out your plots, and intensify your efforts, for, by Allah, you shall never be able to obliterate our mention, nor will you ever be able to kill the revelation (that was revealed to us), nor will you ever exalt our position, nor will your shame ever be washed away. Your view shall be proven futile, your days limited in number, and your wealth wasted on the Day when the caller calls out: "The curse of Allah be upon the oppressors." (11:18)All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, Who sealed the life of our early ones with happiness and forgiveness, and that of our last ones with martyrdom and mercy.

 We plead to Allah to complete His rewards for them, grant them an increase, and recompense us pleasingly. He is the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, Allah suffices us, and He is the best Guardian.

"Extract from a book on Imam Zainul Abideen :-

The Captives of the Household taken to KūfaThe wise ladies of Revelation and the Message were taken prisoners to Kūfa, so the Umayyad army blew its trumpets and raised its banners to show its victory over the plant of the sweet basil of Allah's Apostle, may Allah bless him and his family, and lord of the youths of the heaven. Muslim al-Jassās described that sight, saying: "Ibn Ziyād summoned me to repair the House of the Governor in Kūfa. While I was plastering the doors, I heard cries coming from everywhere in Kūfa, so I went to the servant of the palace and asked him: "Why is Kūfa noisy?""This hour, they will bring the head of a rebel (khārijite) who revolted against Yazid," answered the servant."Who is this rebel?" I asked. "Al-Husayn b. 'Ali," was the answer.

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