Chapter 3 : Deadly treatment leads to death.

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It was very dark in the prison where the captives were staying

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It was very dark in the prison where the captives were staying. For years it had remained out of use and its stone walls were a dump and crumbling with decay. It was very difficult for any person entering the room to see the persons who were kept inside for there was no light. The ladies had all grown weak because of the excruciating pains and sufferings. The thoughts of each one of them were going back to the pain of Kerbala, to the morning when they had with them all those who loved them and whom they loved beyond their lives, and to that evening, when there was nothing to be seen near the tents except the dead bodies and when their belongings were being plundered and looted.

The door of the dungeon was suddenly opened and the guard brought some morsels of bread in a tray and a couple of pitchers of water with him. The food was not sufficient for all and was so scared that Sayeda Zaynab would give her own share to the children an would starve, for how could she eat when her beloved brother's children and children of those who had laid down their lives for him had not enough to eat?

Once when Imam Zainul Abideen(a.s) saw his aunt praying while sitting, he asked with surprise,

"O aunt you were performing even optional prayers in a standing position while today you are performing obligatory prayers in this posture."Tears came in the eyes of Sayada Zaynab and she said, "While in prison, the food and water are supplied in such a meagre quantity that I will pass the share of food and water to children. Due to continuous starvation, I have become so weak that I could not pray by standing straight."

When the night descended, the hungry children started weeping remembering the brothers, uncles and father who had been martyred seeking water till the end.

In the middle of the night, Sayeda Sakina got up with a shriek and suddenly started to cry.

when her mother asked her what the matter was she said that she saw her father in her dreams telling her that he could not bear to see her in this state any more. Everybody started crying so much that the noise reached Yazid at the palace.

Yazid in his palace adjoining the prison heard Sayada Sakina's cries and ordered his guard to tell Sakina to be quiet or they would put her in isolation in another prison. Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s) told the guards that Sayeda Sakina had seen her father in her dream and was, therefore,

crying bitterly. When Yazid's guard hurried back to report what had happened, he said that Imam Husayn's (a.s) head be taken to Sakina in order to keep her quiet. The guards brought the head and put it on the ground.

When Sayeda Sakina saw her father's head, she ran to it and hugged it. All the ladies were stricken with grief. Sayeda Sakina complained to her father about how the evil men snatched her earrings that he had given to her, how they took away their veils and burnt their tents. In indescribable grief, she small cheeks against the cheeks of her father as she used to do when he was alive. Within a few moments, her sobs stopped but with these stopped her also. Sayeda Sakina, the loving daughter of Imam Husayn's a .s, passed away, in the dark, lonely prison. Her dress was glued to her body with the dried blood caused by merciless flogging.

Imam Zainul Abideen a.s buried her in a small grave in the corner of the prison. All the ladies sat by Sayeda Sakina's mother Rubab and started crying and consoling her.

Sayada Sakina's tortures which were inflicted on her in the prison of Yazid were very disturbing. She used to write her father's name on the Mud, Would kiss it with silent tears and when the woman of Syria would pass by the small window in the prison, she would relate her sufferings to them. When the young child died in the prison, no mourners and no sympathies were there to comfort the ladies of the Prophet's house or to share their grief.

This is the reason Almighty raised a community who now weep for them and Mourn in the month of Muharram remembering the sufferings befallen on the family of beloved Prophet.

no name left # no sign left # no grave of oppressor Yazid remain, but Tolerance wins the name of Prophet and his family is ALIVE.

to be continued 

upcoming: the life of Sayada Sakina all about this little girl youngest female of prophets family.

stay tuned.

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