A real Miraculous verse by Holy Lady Zaynab(s.a)

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Before we move on to further story of Sham, let us have a gaze upon this holy lady (peace be upon her )and the miraculous prayer taught  by her for the fulfilment of our desires but it should be recited for good cause only or else will be punished by Almighty if used for bad reason and intention, Conditions apply one has to be on the right path shown by Prophets. 

Everyone  who knows and all those who have read previous chapters now is aware of the real history and Tragedy of Kerbalaa and all know very well the name of Zaynab (s.a) She was the brave daughter of IMAM ALI (a.s) {ALLIYA IN ABRANI LANGUAGE AND RELIGION},

and her mother Bibi Fatema (s.a) (daughter of Holy Prophet. She was brought up in the house of Revelation. It is a matter of fact that when Imam Husayn (a.s) accomplished his mission  by his great sacrifice in kerbalaa to rescue ISLAAM from the beastly clutches of Yezidites, the remaining half task was completed by BIBI ZAYNAB (s.a)gave away her two dear sons Awn and Muhammad in the battle of Karbalaa,she endured the tribulations in SHAAM- E- GHAREEBA( evening when all men were slaughtered by Yazid left only women and children of the family )she endured imprisonment, she endured looting of her veil (chadaar), and she suffered the cruellest tribulations ever fallen on anyone. In spite of all that, her aim was to save ISLAAM, and she emerged victorious like IMAAM HUSAYN (a.s).


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I AM ZAINAB-.Zainab Bint e Ali[as][ زينب ZAINAB-It means 'a fragrant flowering plant', 'Desert Flower' or 'an ornamented tree'.;zaina, zainab, zainah, zeena, zeynep or zaynab,are all as the name can be used, in other countries the pronounce in this way (Azerbaijani), Zeynebe, (Persian), Zeynab (Turkish) Zeynep (Pakistan ) BiBi zaynab in many countries in Africa in Nigeria, Zainaba,in east africa, zainabu,she was born on Wednesday, 5 Jumada al-awwal, 5 AH/June 5, 626 AD

This story unfolds through the life of Syeda Zainab[as]grand-daughter of the Holy Prophet,Muhammad[sawa]daughter of Fatima zahra[sa]and Imam Ali[as] .

Oral tradition about Zainab[sa] has gradually evolved to a point-of subjective elaboration and emotional hyperbola that have eventually clouded her real persona and the context from which we have come to know her.Indeed, the romantic mythology that now shrouds both her and her brother Imam Husayn[as] seems to distance us from wanting to understand what they really stood for and what their actions really meant, both in the context of their afflicted times and throughout all times, present and future.

It is not necessary however to dig up as many facts or versions of her life as are available in order to perceive her purity and the strategic importance of her contribution. Though the information may be little, it is enough. The fact that we remember her at all is sufficient to rekindle our understanding of the intimate ideals for which life is worth serving. This book seeks to let these facts speak for themselves. The conclusions to be drawn are implicit to any reader whose heart and mind are available and receptive to the essence of submission.According to the shari'ah (revealed law) of Allah[swt] women are hidden treasures, neither to be displayed nor advertised. Theirs is a subtle, fundamental and discrete domain. Imam Ali[as] once asked Fatima zahra- "Ma khayru 'n-nisa (who are the best among women)?"She replied, "La yarina 'r-rijala wa la yarunahunna (those who do not see men nor are seen by them)."

This then is another reason why so little is known about Syeda Zainab[sa] or any other women throughout the history of Islam. But this rule can only apply if all the other elements of a pure Muslim society are equal. If the application of the divinely directed formula is chaotic and imbalanced, then that is the time when a woman feels compelled to emerge into the open arena. This is the situation in which Syeda Zainab[sa]found herself. After Karbala no one was left that had the courage to stand up to tyranny, speak the truth, and submit to the consequences.

Thus what we know of her is only because of exceptional circumstances. A twist in history created the conditions that forced Syeda Zainab[sa] to declare, not herself, but the truth. It is through her extraordinary handling of the wretched trials she endured that we have caught glimpses of the untold depths of her courage, forbearance, patience and submission to the decree of Allah. It is partly through her that the prophetic legacy was rescued from being eclipsed by the ever-present shadows of kufr (denial of Truth), and it is in this light that we must forever remember her and take inspiration and guidance from her example. 

Ref Lady zainab- pg 9,10  

Remembering Bibi Zaynab (s.a)the following Verses is very effective for curing sickness, abundance in business and dispersing calamities and problems:

but conditions apply that you never oppress orphans and helpless needy as Almighty doesn't like the oppressors.  


2 set of salat e Hajat after that recite below given lines and soon you will meet your desires.



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