Travis McCain

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Grade: 11
Age: 16
Gender: boy
Sexuality: straight
Hobbies: swimming,
Favorite color: red
Clubs they are part of: swim team, debate team, student government (student body president)
Introvert/extrovert/ambivert: extrovert
Meyers-Briggs results: ENFJ
Siblings: Kaitlyn
Nicknames: T-man(by his friends), Travy(by Veronica)

Bio: Travis loves swimming and hopes to be good enough to be part of the Olympics someday. He's pretty serious, but can be chill when need be. Loves hanging out with anyone and everyone. He is very extroverted and makes friends easily. As student body president, he makes it his duty to make everyones time at PHS great. He likes to help others.

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