Veronica Love

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Grade: 12
Age: 17
Gender: girl
Sexuality: straight
Hobbies: being in charge
Favorite color: pink
Clubs they are part of: debate team
Introvert/extrovert/ambivert: extrovert
Meyers-Briggs results: ESTJ
Siblings: Gabriel
Nicknames: V(by Ivy, Pamela and herself)

Bio: Veronica is a very prissy young lady who acts as if she is the most important person at the school. She is the leader of a group known as the V.I.P. each letter standing for a members name. V for Veronica, and I and P for her "best friends" Ivy and Pamela. It's debatable whether they are her best friends or just minions to do her bidding the way she treats them. She loves being in charge and giving orders. Veronica has a MASSIVE crush on Travis and will stop at nothing to get with him.

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