Caroline Misstin

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Grade: 10
Age: 15
Gender: girl
Sexuality: lesbian
Hobbies: writing
Favorite color: teal
Clubs they are part of: book club and creative writing club (which she created)
Introvert/extrovert/ambivert: introvert
Meyers-Briggs results: INFP
Siblings: Sally
Nicknames: Care(by friends and girlfriend), Carebear(by girlfriend)

Bio: Caroline loves expressing herself through writing and plans to be an author someday. Her favorite form of writing is stories; her least favorite being essays. Despite having a favorite, she enjoys writing everything from poems to songs. She is a relatively shy person who usually keeps to herself, only coming out of her shell to discuss the newest works of writing in her club. The only thing she loves more than writing is her beautiful girlfriend, Camilla. Caroline was the one to aske her out by giving her a beautiful hand-crafted letter she worked all night on.

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