Camilla Ardell

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Grade: 10
Age: 15
Gender: girl
Sexuality: bisexual
Hobbies: reading
Favorite color: yellow
Clubs they are part of: book club
Introvert/extrovert/ambivert: introvert
Meyers-Briggs results: INFJ
Siblings: none
Nicknames: Cami(by friends and girlfriend)

Bio: Camilla loves reading and finds no better way to relax than to sit down and enjoy a good book. She is a calm, down to earth soul. Though not very extroverted, can carry out a conversation for hours if it's something she's passionate about. Camilla is dating Caroline. She fell in love immediately after seeing her gorgeous pink eyes and hair. What topped it off was her amazing use of literature to portray her deepest emotions towards her.

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