Ivy Wren

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Grade: 12
Age: 17
Gender: girl
Sexuality: straight
Hobbies: photography
Favorite color: green
Clubs they are part of: photography club and yearbook club
Introvert/extrovert/ambivert: introvert
Meyers-Briggs results: ISTJ
Siblings: Aspen
Nicknames: I(by Veronica), Poison Ivy(by everyone but Veronica and Pamela)

Bio: Ivy loves photography and plans to be a professional photographer someday. Despite being in a group with the most extroverted person in the school, she can be quite timid and prefers to stay in the shadows. In yearbook club her job is to take 'classroom in action' type photo's (photo's of a class working without anyone noticing). This is the reason Veronica gave her the same job: to take embarrassing pictures of people without them noticing.

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