Got tagged.....

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Ima be completely honest. This is new.....for me um yeah....

so um yeah

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1. I'm know as Cat or C

2. Eye color- I don't give out personal info I'm sorry

3. Hair color- once again I don't do personal info

4. I don't want to do this and don't like tags

5. Favorite color-Red

6. Favorite place- My catcave

7. Favorite celebrity- ....does Kouen count???

8. Favorite animal- RED LION...o-or just lions and cats in general...

9. Favorite song- Strong Like A Lion

10. Favorite book- The Red Pyramid Series

And well....I think tagging ppl is well.....I don't want to do it so....I won't tag anyone. Unless you wanna do this voluntary. Thanks for wasting a few minutes of your lives reading this!

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