Snb Jafar x Kuudere reader

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requested by Shilluka

Sorry for taking so long!


Jafar pov

"JAFAR PAY ATTENTION!" Rumuru yelled at me as she hit my head.

"OUCH! STOP HITTING ME!" I glared at her and continued my paper work as Sinbad snickered next me.

"SINBAD YOU PAY ATTENTION TOO!" As he complained about getting hit in the head stared off not even bothering to pay abstention any more. You see there was this annoying, small, bossy girl. Her name was (Y/N) and if you didn't do anything to her satisfaction you would get a longer lecture than Rumurus.

"JAFAR! STOP SPACING OUT! GET BACK TO STUDYING!-" Speak of the devil, here comes the lecture.

(Y/N) pov

Everyone is so noisy and loud. Don't they have an off button?! Some people need their sleep, its not easy to get it on a boat you know. "Rumuru~" I skipped up to her.

"Yes (Y/N)?"

"I'm hungry. Make food?" I said smiling.

"Well Sinbad, Jafar our lesson is over for now." She smiled and quickly went to make something.

"Thank you (Y/N)!" Sinbad said hugging me.

"Let go of me you Buffoon!" I kicked his stomach.

"Ouch! Okay okay.." He put me down and walked away. Meanwhile Jafar was still staring at his work. "HEY JAFAR!" His head snapped up and his eyes went wide. "Look at me when I speak to you." His head slowly turned and I smirked in amusement. "I don't get a hug from you? I would think you would show more appreciation."

"I well-you see it would just be-I mean its not-" He was stumbling over his own words, with heat rising to his cheeks.

"Give me a hug!" He quickly stood up and hugged me, making my own face go red. "Y...Your the only one allowed to hug me.." I felt Jafar laugh. "You're so confusing and troublesome."



Hope its acceptable. Sorry again for being so late.

Magi One shots (A magi short story series)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat