Test With An Experiment

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It seemed to Junmyeon that he'd been apologizing a lot lately. First with Sehun and Jongin's dance showcase, and now when he accidentally skipped his meet up with Haewon. He didn't mean to, in all honesty it had slipped his mind while he was out. The biology major probably wouldn't have even remembered if not for the paper cup of cold coffee that he found sitting by the door of his dorm room.

Upon arriving at his English History lecture the next morning, he almost barreled into the hall with two cups of steaming caffeine in hand in order to catch his friend. The stumbling boy was lucky that Hae didn't hold grudges, and really enjoyed food and drinks that could give her an energy boost for the following twelve hours.

Haewon wasn't necessarily upset, it was just more disappointment that she had wasted her time. If anything it solidified her thoughts that Junmyeon was seeing someone. Jun was scarily accurate and organized, he never ever forgot anything he himself had set into motion, which is why him "forgetting" their little coffee outing had surprised the glasses wearing gal and reaffirmed her previous suspicions.

And now that that small issue was out of the way, the two having quickly made up, Hae was more than ready to officially put her plan into action without interruption. And how did she decide to do that? Aside from flirting with Junmyeon, there was still the matter of whom he was dating. Hence why she was currently in a more than awkward position.

"Might I ask why the actual fuck we're crouched behind a bush instead of in the food court eating overpriced and horrendously greasy pizza?" Byun Baekhyun hissed beside Hae's hunched over figure.

"Good question," She tightens her ponytail a bit before continuing, "Kim Junmyeon is currently inside that mall and I believe any and every girl he interacts with is a potential suspect as to who he might be romantically seeing."

She didn't think it was that far fetched of an idea. Apparently her friend thought otherwise as he released a lengthy sigh, combing his fingers through his newly dyed pink hair.

"That explanation made my last two brain cells commit suicide. Y'know, that's it I'm out, I'm done, I refuse to partake in this heterosexual tomfoolery."

Approximately ten minutes later the two were hiding behind a small cell phone case selling kiosk, huddled together in hopes of being inconspicuous. "There, he's right there!" Baek whispers quickly.

Amongst the many people wandering about the bright pristine-looking mall, Junmyeon stood off to the side of the bustling crowds. Seemingly deep in thought, the boy wandered a few paces closer to the kiosk before turning on his heel and slipping into The Science Emporium. The name pretty much made it obvious the type of things they sold there.

This action wasn't strange by any means, most if not all Science majors at Hankook University went to the shop for their experimental needs, Junmyeon was no exception to this. The store was split into two main sections, life science then everything else. Unlike usual, their friend veered away from the biology portion of the store and straight towards where other things like astronomy and physics were.

"What is he even doing?" Haewon questions as they slip into the store, waving to the nice part-time cashier that went to their school. They mainly knew her from when she worked at the dollar store around the holidays.

"Who knows," Baekhyun squints sarcastically, "maybe the man just wanted to stop by and buy a new astrolabe or Newton's Cradle. Maybe you infected me with your insanity and that's the reason I haven't gone home already."

Junmyeon stopped in front of a beautiful, small pendulum. The petite golden bauble swayed around and continuously spilled out a bit of sand as it went, finally spelling out "I love you" in it's infinite loop. Haewon had oggled the item before when her and Junmyeon visited the emporium to stock up before the semester began. Seeing him here again led to one conclusion,

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